Oh, right…there's something else I like

How about some dismissive humor aimed at Bullyin' Bill O'Reilly? The mouse joke isn't bad, either.

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Ha! Nice, very nice.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Bill-o the Clown deserves far worse than being heckled. We simply are held back in properly punishing him due to those pesky secular humanist values. Perhaps if we took up religion, so we could justify whatever we wanted...

(This just makes me like Roger Ebert even more.)

Oooouuuch !!!

Nice response, Ebert. Two Squeaky the Chicago Mouse boners up!

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Absolutely effin' outstanding. What a takedown!

O'Reilly the rabid religious moron who pukes ivective at anything rational. Where's your puking god you slime brain?
He should be dismissed with the other pukers, Limbaugh, Donohue and all the other cesspit cretins. They are a plague on all rational humanity. Every time they think they weaken the nation.

My editor informs me that "very few" readers complained about the disappearance of your column, adding, "many more complained about Nancy ." I know I did.

Wow. That's awesome.

Good to see some common sense (re)appearing in the public sphere. Now will somebody shut off his (and the many other dancing elves) because they're making 'news' intolerable to either watch or believe. Replace the lying liars with some new ones we haven't yet figured out so intimately.


Oh man. Ebert is hilarious. O'Reilly is one of the reasons we are such a divided country. I don't understand how people full of such hate and idiocy are given a public stage. He is influential and thats the problem.

As a non-American (Brit living in Australia) I'm not familiar with this chap but he seems to have a lot of anger in him. Maybe he needs some counselling.

By bassmanpete (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

So Mr. O'Reilly tries to ruin a newspaper and puts it on his enemies list because they dropped his column. That puts him right up there with Nixon, Hitler, and Stalin! Except they thought probably they were right. O'Reilly knows he's full of crapola though.

"That reminds me of the famous story about Squeaky the Chicago Mouse. It seems that Squeaky was floating on his back along the Chicago River one day. Approaching the Michigan Avenue lift bridge, he called out: Raise the bridge! I have an erection!"

I find this flattering towards Mr O'Reilly. All right-wing angry white men have have very small penises. The furious diatribes are their only way of compensating.

By Teddydeedodu (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

I never heard of this Bill O'relly guy but he seems to be popular at Fox News ,which is said to be very fair and balanced, so he must be very good.

Squeaky Bill and his falafel thing.

God he is the most disgusting piece of shit on tv. The mouth-foamiest I've ever seen him was when he was screaming at Geraldo that the death of a woman at the hands of an illegal alien drunk driver was good evidence that we have an illegal immigration problem. Not saying we don't, but really, O'Reilly? That's somehow relevant? Oh right, "HE DIDN'T HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HERE!!!!!!"

Die you cunt.

By shamwowmytonguehurts (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Bill O'Reilly has as much relevance as Chuck Norris and about as few brains.

By GILGAMESH (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

I said I'll fucking do it live!

Believe it or not, I saw this column before this posting...

Awesome takedown.

At the same time, my friend, who forwarded this link, hadn't heard of Ebert's take on Expelled, from December 4. In case you missed it, it's still worth looking up.

O'Reilly is the perfect illiterate slut. Can't stand the goo. I bet Bill doesn't even understand the mouse joke.

Obviously there is no camera fast enough to catch Billy O with his mouth shut.

By Rodger T NZ (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

All right-wing angry white men have have very small penises.

I`m a very quiet person : )

By Rodger T NZ (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

'Sup guys, off topic but I have a request. I'm in a fairly heated e-mail exchange over the usefulness of the bible for historical information. So far my opponent has been failing to provide backup for claims like "Everything mentioned in the bible and found by archaeology has proven to be exactly where and as the bible says it should be." but I'd like to show some specific examples of historical claims made by the bible that remain unsupported by archeological evidence where we might expect to have found some.
I seem to remember that there isn't even any evidence that there was a jewish slave class in egypt or any support for the wandering the desert story but I wouldn't like to say this if I'm mis-remembering things.

'Sup guys, off topic but I have a request. I'm in a fairly heated e-mail exchange over the usefulness of the bible for historical information. So far my opponent has been failing to provide backup for claims like "Everything mentioned in the bible and found by archaeology has proven to be exactly where and as the bible says it should be." but I'd like to show some specific examples of historical claims made by the bible that remain unsupported by archeological evidence where we might expect to have found some.
I seem to remember that there isn't even any evidence that there was a jewish slave class in egypt or any support for the wandering the desert story but I wouldn't like to say this if I'm mis-remembering things.

This is a comprehensive look at the claims made by the Bible that should be verified by archaeological study. Needless to say, they mostly aren't.

Err, I should clarify, that's Old Testament stuff, which in many ways is more relevant than the New because the Old Testament tends to describe events which would be more likely to leave archaeological evidence.

Thanks very much Thrift, thats very handy. If there were a reputation system here I would rep you :)

You're very welcome, pikeamus. Good luck smiting the believers with evidence and reason!

Wow. That one video of Geraldo and Bill is amazing. I never thought that I would see a video of Geraldo that impressed me.

If that was your only exposure to Geraldo you would love him and end up embarrassing yourself one day by revealing so and not knowing why thats bad.

Hitchens lays it down, but you know it isn't being appreciated there.

I love the "moderator".

OK, turn Bill over. I think he's done on this side.

Roger better watch out, or ol' Billdo will sic Faux Security on him.

By Ray Ladbury (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink

Can't wait 'til this shows up on the Colbert Report.

Was this sarcasm as well?

My recommendation: The admirable Charles Krauthammer.

There are many things I would call Krauthammer, and admirable isn't one of them. Of course, that's all the more damning of O'Reilley, which indeed may have been Ebert's point.

Still, non-conservatives for too long have praised Krauthammer, Will, Brooks, et al. for being slightly less deranged than the Limbaugh brigade even as they have proved themselves to be as ignorant of mainstream science as the others. That it's even possible Ebert might be serious concerns me.

How about some dismissive humor aimed at Bullyin' Bill O'Reilly?

Is there any other kind?

By RamblinDude (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink

I've always liked Mr. Ebert. Awesome article.

Holbach #6:

O'Reilly the rabid religious moron who pukes ivective at anything rational.

I find it deeply ironic that Holbach should blame anyone for puking invective, since that seems to be all he(?) ever does. I've never encountered anyone, on the web or off, with whom I share so many convictions but dislike so intensely. How can anyone be so aggressive and filled with hate and still blame the religious loudly for these same vices? And why have I never seen anyone tell him to shut the fuck up?Holbach, you're an embarrassment to the rest of us and the antithesis to the compassionate, reasonable atheist. Lay off the caffeine and seek professional help.Martin

By Martin Christensen (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink

pikeamus, you might want to consider turning the question back on your opponent. For instance, archeologists have determined that Knossos did exist in Crete; would your interlocutor argue that the Minotaur must have existed also? Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa have also been unearthed by archaeologists; perhaps your Biblical historian will see fit to worship Siva as well as Yahweh. One doesn't even need an archeologist to see the Hawaiian islands exist, therefore the account of Maui hauling them up from the ocean floor with a fishhook must also be true, so you might suggest your friend book a flight to visit the Puʻuhonua o Hōnaunau in case s/he's broken any kapus.