Ray Comfort repeats the same dumb things again

Ray Comfort went off to New Zealand to have a debate — and wouldn't you know it, he stood up there and repeated the same bunk he spouts on his blog. Oh, wait: he did change one thing. Instead of talking about elephants, he changed his animal that he claimed couldn't possibly have evolved to a dog. Woo hoo. He also completely ignored his opponent's arguments.

Ray Comfort is currently in the lead for top status in my list of dishonest, stupid creationists.

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Isn't artificial selection the evil twin of natural selection?

Did he perform his creationist banana crap again, or is New Zealand now sensible enough to tell him where to put it?

He's still at it on his blog, too. After the elephants fiasco, he asked for people to explain it to him in very small words (giraffes, this time). Many tried. He hasn't responded. Imagine that.

I do think the guy is dense, but at this point I think the dishonest is outweighing the stupid. He wasn't seriously looking for an explanation he could understand. He just wants to see how long he can keep us answering the same obvious question.

Ray Comfort is currently in the lead for top status in my list of dishonest, stupid creationists.

Oh my, that is very intense battle changing by the post. We have to applaud Ray for his present lead.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

That's hilarious. Getting spanked by a first-time debater, and this guy is meant to be a professional. What a maroon!

Of course he changed his target animal. It's harder for your opponent to prepare counterarguments if you change the "cannot possibly evolve" animal every time.

By ckitching (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Instead of talking about elephants, he changed his animal that he claimed couldn't possibly have evolved to a dog.

One of my favorite tactics in the creationism playbook: "See, the reason that we can explain everything in terms of the supernatural is, uh . . . hmmmm . . . not buying it, huh? Ooooooooh, look over there!"

No kings,


By Desert Son (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Instead of talking about elephants, he changed his animal that he claimed couldn't possibly have evolved to a dog.

Well how about that. And the atheists said that he wasn't open-minded or willing (able?) to learn. Egg on the faces of pharyngulites, indeed.

He also completely ignored his opponent's arguments.

Always necessary--and sanctioned by god--for all cretins and IDiots. Where would the DI be if it actually tried to come up with alternative explanations for all of the apparently undesigned features of life? How could they fault evolution if they paid attention to its explanatory value, rather than caviling over its explanatory gaps (which indeed are numerous)?

No, the one thing they understand is debates in front of naive and prejudiced individuals. They must and do ignore all science requirements, while pointing out that if you just grant that god could do anything, anything can be explained by invoking god.

Glen D

Of course he changed his target animal. It's harder for your opponent to prepare counterarguments if you change the "cannot possibly evolve" animal every time.

By ckitching (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Ray Comfort is currently in the lead for top status in my list of dishonest, stupid creationists
Kinda unfair, given that Kent Hovind is behind bars...

rrt @ 5

You mean he is not as dense as a banana?

Instead of talking about elephants, he changed his animal that he claimed couldn't possibly have evolved to a dog.

That's even more hilarious, given we know exactly how dogs evolved and from what.

That's even more hilarious, given we know exactly how dogs evolved and from what.

But Kel--that's not evolution. That's just change within a KIND.


ray should have tried to peel a kiwi with his finders, he might have spiked himself on that nasty little thorn on the inside of one of the ends, he could have even shouted 'goddamit'.

By extatyzoma (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Ray Comfort and Ken Ham - proof that even the Southern Hemisphere isn't immune from spawning idiots who peddle the most inane woo for profit.

By Wowbagger, OM (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

#18, thats should have been kiwi fruit (kiwis tend not to sit still whilst being peeled) and by his fingers.

By extatyzoma (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Is there a book in the offing: Why Ray can't read? Dog evolution is known, dog origins are known and the same type of artificial selection that produced dogs from wolves has been replicated to produce dog-like descendants from foxes.

"Did he perform his creationist banana crap again, or is New Zealand now sensible enough to tell him where to put it?"

As a Kiwi I object to that - Comfort never became anything until he started talking to the credulous idiots in North America. His name means nothing to anyone here in NZ. We are not a religious country by any measure, unlike the good ol' USA.

But Kel--that's not evolution. That's just change within a KIND.


Aren't dog's technically still a subspecies of wolf?

So this one time, a couple of weeks ago, I debated Ray Comfort. The whole thing was a fiasco from beginning to end. I only knew about the debate because of an ad posted outside the toilets, offering a $100 to anyone who could, or would stand Ray for an hour


By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Mothra: Yes, but when the first male dog was artificially selected, where did the female for him to mate with come from? Huh? HUH?!?!

Holbach: Eh, I think he's a bit denser. Neutron stars come to mind.

Does anyone seriously still listen to Banana Man, after his whole "oh, I just meant that pop can thing as a joke" incident? If not that, then after his tripe about how women could have evolved to be complementary to men of the same species -- as though men and women were separate species?

That's what we mean, Jason. He's still at it with the "where did females of each new species come from" thing. It's just so...fascinating to...watch...

/facepalm, the stupid it burns, etc.

What the creationists really need is a spokesperson who actually understands evolution, whilst at the same time not believing it. A doublethinker of terrifying power. Comfort is barely a singlethinker. I'm not even sure he fully understands creationism. He sure the hell doesn't understand how dogs and bananas work.

What the creationists really need is a spokesperson who actually understands evolution, whilst at the same time not believing it. A doublethinker of terrifying power.

Michael Behe?

To me, his banana argument "proves" that man and ape are closely related, as the banana fits equally well in either hand. ;-}

"his animal that he claimed couldn't possibly have evolved to a dog."

Well, PZ you can tell Ray for me that he doesn't know what he's talking about. I would like to show him a couple of ladies I've dated who definitely evolved to a dog. In fact, I think I even dated an evolved elephant once.

By Silver Fox (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

rrt wrote:

He's still at it on his blog, too. After the elephants fiasco, he asked for people to explain it to him in very small words (giraffes, this time). Many tried. He hasn't responded. Imagine that.

You're talking about post, "Keep it Simple," yes? I was one of those who commented on it:

But I don't do it for Ray, he doesn't listen. I do it for those who might be on the edge who decide to read his blog.

And after he returned from New Zealand he blabbed on his blog about what a decent guy he is, and how we was nice to the atheist, and how he always tells the truth, how it's not about the money, and so on ... He sure spends a lot of time on his web site telling people what a great person he is. I think he knows there is evidence to the contrary.

Sh*t, he got back in? I'm going to go have a talk to the customs people...

I'm still holding on to the theory that Ray is just a black flag troll getting paid to make Creationists look bad. There is no way for someone to possibly be this dense. He has to be intentionally lying at this point.

Big Dumb:

You have to excuse my lack of usual sharpness. I'm working off a half bottle od Zimfandel. I'm diluting it with orange juice to kind of take the bite out of it.

By Silver Fox (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

What's sad is that Mr. Comfort claims to have been a skeptic. However, this man is so divorced from reality that I'm often left to wonder if he was sent off to some absurd Jesus Camp right after being disconnected from his mother. I formerly tolerated him in a civil and respectful manner, but Roy is undeniably a master at deflecting the arguments of his opponents and misunderstanding elementary science.

Now to mention that male Cameron. He's unbearable. Candice was alright in Full House, but now she's simply a columnist who focuses on religious stuff that I could care less about. Heh.

“Clever liars give details, but the cleverest don't.”

And the moronic duo (Cameron and Comfort) always find a way to circle around anything that even remotely resembles details or scientific substantiation. They use God to justify everything, including holes in their logic (oh, God did this. No explanation necessary). Now excuse me while I head off and consume a banana. Mm, the taste of creationist idiocy and Comfort's creation...

(On another note, has he challenged PZ to a new debate?)

By Matt (Repect &… (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Chris Doms @ 23

There was no insult intended, as I meant that comment as a current state of affairs rather than a past one. I have a high regard for New Zealand, not only as a country, but for it's people and endeavors to keep nonsense at bay. True, Comfort had to leave New Zealand to be readily influenced by irrational crap elsewhere, a good loss to you, but a burden and most influenced by our wackos.

Also a New Zealander, also deeply embarrassed.

NZ is famous for so few things - does Ray Comfort have to be one of them??

By Andrew MW (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Silver Fox, I also would evolve into something other than human if it meant escaping personal involvement with you.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

You have to excuse my lack of usual sharpness. I'm working off a half bottle od Zimfandel. I'm diluting it with orange juice to kind of take the bite out of it.

I couldn't tell a difference.

...and I'm guessing "white" zin.

and mixing with OJ

sheesh man. What the fuck

rrt @ 26

You defame the Neutron Star with comparison to the likes of Ccomfort. That Neutron Star is a wonder to behold with it's physical history and properties. Comfort is just a wonder beholden to all that is irrational, and the Universe lays no claim to his origin and mental denseness.

...and I'm guessing "white" zin.

Well the bottle says its white but it looks pinkish rose to me.

By Silver Fox (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

"escaping personal involvement with you."

Judging by your first name I don't think you have any concern on that score. You probably wouldn't meet the minimum qualifications.

By Silver Fox (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Poor SF is letting a bottle of vino get to him. TSK, TSK. His posts are vague enough without help. With help, they are incomprehensible. A word of advice SF. If you are under the influence, this is the last place for you to post. In fact, you should think twice about posting here period. We are not sympathetic to you ideas.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Silver Fox:

Well the bottle box says its white but it looks pinkish rose to me.



Well, NZ is absolutely breathtaking. The Lord of the Rings trilogy was also shot there. What more could you ask for?

Look, Ray! God made you bananas.

/ sorry for repeating myself


"Roy is undeniably a master at deflecting the arguments of his opponents"

Sounds like my kind of guy; bob and weave, keep your opponent off guard, play on his weakness, stay away from his strength. Isn't that what they teach you in the Glendy Burke Debate Society?

By Silver Fox (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Augh. Post #50, last words, ... your ideas.

Earl of typos.

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

White Zinfandel is an abomination. Red Zin is a wonder of the vintners craft but the white should be stamped out.

I asked a sommelier once what White Zin was good for and he said " it goes well with blackened steak or fish." I thought so does beer and it doesn't suck ass.

"he changed his animal that he claimed couldn't possibly have evolved to a dog"

... perhaps he realized that "dog - god" was a palindrome, so he thought, "no animal could have such a name... without being the mirror image of god!"

Wasn't there an old song somewhere about rather having a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy. SF has both!


This would all be good and well from a strategic standpoint if Roy would get around to addressing the arguments of the opposition. You can bob back and forth all you want, but you will become irrelevant if you do not have a strong, coherent argument that directly addresses the contentions of your opponent. How many times has he referenced the Ten Commandments and a banana in order to substantiate his claims?

Silver Fox, being human and being able to think for themselves would exceed your qualifications. However, following your various ramblings on here, I would evolve to escape any level of personal involvement with you so can understand why the women did it even more.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Earl of typos.

That's nothing. I'm the Duke of Earl of Typos.

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

In the Belgariad, a wolf turns into a woman so she can wed Belgarath. The case described here is exactly dissimilar.

Sorry, but the science is never settled


A more serious issue i must inquire about:

Several years ago I visited a cave in northern Alabama and ever since I have been somewhat intrigued by caves. Is there a class somewhere that teaches about cave exploration and study without having have a geology degree? I am not interested in a geology degree, just a crash course in cave exploration and study. Where would I seek such a thing?


A good place to start is cavechat.org, "Caving Forum of the National Speleological Society."

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Silver fox,

Put down the wine. You already make enough of a fool out of yourself while sober.

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Cave exploration is superb. I love some of the stuff that's down in Pennsylvania, which is in close proximity to my home. Always worth the walk.

Taking the "bite" off of white zinfandel?
Poe, poe, poe.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

"to escape any level of personal involvement with you so can understand why the women did it even more"

Are you suggesting that these women experienced some sort of epigenetic transformation through contact with me? If so, at least their basic DNA was not modified.

Excuse me John while I go refill my glass.

By Silver Fox (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

"Taking the "bite" off of white zinfandel?
Poe, poe, poe."

Sorry Sven, I was punning on the dog (women) metaphor. You know - dog-bite.

Sorry you didn't get it. It's my fault. I generlly give you brites more credit than is due.

By Silver Fox (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Getting facilis loaded would be a damn good idea. Surely it has to work better than that time that Walton got loaded.

Listening to that debate made me furious. I had no idea Ray is such an asshole. Thought he was just stoopid.

Sam did a great job. I'd have lost my temper when the jerk Comfort refused to acknowledge PZ's answers to his questions (typical), and then he did it again when Sam pointed out the whale transitional fossils.

Ray's sin and hell sermon was all he was there for. Thanks for posting this, I thought the banana was his greatest blunder.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

I can't see where he debated in NZ? Somewhere in Chch? What was the place, and occasion?

Just wondering, so I can avoid it in future.

Or turn up in a gorilla suit, waving a banana. FTW!

By Random Mutant (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Ooooooh, a joke. Yeah, the reasons I didn't get it were a) there's lots of people commenting? So nobody is, like, following your personal stream of consciousness from comment to comment; and b) you're nestled snugly in my killfile, so I never read anything you write anyway, unless somebody quotes it (#44) or unless I peek, like I just did at #71.

But I'm sure it's some wacky, wacky humor.
(By the way, did you know that you can buy your white zin in a convenient cardboard box? No need to mess around with silly glass bottles and screw-tops!)

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

PacMan, I'm sure the spelunkers' group will mention it but Never Go Alone! Even more than swimming, you need a buddy in case you get into trouble (and vice versa). Preferably tag along with a more experienced person once or twice. And take more than one light. And wear a hard-hat.

Oops! I think my mom-genes are expressing themselves.

G'night all. Off to the Center For Inquiry World Conference in the morning. Is anyone else going?

Oh dear. I suspect we've broken Silver Fox's feeble, woo-addled brain. Is anyone else getting an image flash of a clockwork mouse with rusty springs poking out of it?

By Wowbagger, OM (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

So I've listened to the audio, so disappointed that the woo-man totally ignored reality to pour out anecdotal unprovable religiosity. Very enjoyable argument by Sam though.

I honestly believed not long ago that religion was not an issue, but I can see now that with wingnuts like Comquat out there, the enemies of reason are going strong. Dammit, I just wanna do science, not deal with fantasy.

See, if you put a word and another word that's vaguely related together, it makes for clever humors! Also works for creationist reasoning.

By the helvetica … (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

I didn't even read any comments out of my maddened rage at this guy. Seriously, DOGS?! I mean of all the animals to say "couldn't have evolved", the one humanity befriended and more or less MADE ourselves through selective processes, THAT is the animal he's picking?

Heck I used to be a creationist (the memories are painful, I offer no defense except that I was badly educated about what evolution actually is). Even then at the very least the creationist teachers acknowledged that dogs came from wolves. Granted they went on to say that it's not the "same thing" as "macro evolution" and they "aren't a new species because they can be genetically bred", but they at least acknowledged that all dogs can trace their lineage back to wolves.

It's like the creationists, rather than slowly creep forward and conceed bit by bit, are cowering backwards to the point where they will even deny events within the history of human beings. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, but I am.

By Dark Jaguar (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Seriously, DOGS?! I mean of all the animals to say "couldn't have evolved", the one humanity befriended and more or less MADE ourselves through selective processes, THAT is the animal he's picking?

It seems he's done the banana-redux. Now moving from plant to animal.



That's really profoundly stupid. Cite a species that obviously exists as the result of human breeding to prove that evolution could not possibly have happened.

Dogs, horses, cows, roses, bananas, corn, beer, even white fucking Zinfandel. We made those. We did. Us humans. We dragged ourselves up from fucking ape-hood, and we made wolves into our friends, and made horses that can dance, and made cows that let us milk them, and we made roses. We made roses that smell so good and look so pretty, from little thorny blossoms, and we give them to people that we love. We made food grow on trees, and grass into grain and grain into liquid that makes us laugh and cry and relax after all that we have done.

And Ray Comfort gives all the credit to something else that we made.

By Menyambal (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Dark Jaguar - I had much the same reaction to listening to Ray... furious! I wanted to plunge several steel knitting needles into my computer speakers.

A cartoon strip of my reaction would look like Lucy on Peanuts - ARRGH!

My favorite Ray, GAWD doesn't want your faith, HE wants your obedience. God is love Ray. Idiot.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Holbach @ #13

You mean he is not as dense as a banana?

No, for that he'd have to go for Depleted Bananium. It is 1.67 times as dense as Depleted Watermelonium (with a density of 19.1 g/cm3) which was just dense enough to end Gallagher's career.

By Bone Oboe (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink


Blockquote FAIL
By Bone Oboe (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Maybe it's a quirk of recent evolution in NZ, but we manage to put all our "stupid" in one or two individuals, then ship them overseas.

"Bishop" Brian Tamaki is hopefully on the next boat out of here.

O dear another gullibleptic fit from ol Raymondo , he he, don`t ever let anything vaguely resembling a fact get in the way of a well worn delusion.

By Rodger T NZ (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Since creationism is a kind of Ponzi scheme of idiocy, it is not surprising that the greatest idiots and the biggest liars are found at the top.

Comfort COMPOST!

Posted by: Andrew MW | April 8, 2009 9:51 PM
Also a New Zealander, also deeply embarrassed.
NZ is famous for so few things - does Ray Comfort have to be one of them??

NZ is all Oz isn't, beautiful, - and besides you Kiwis export all the refuse humans to Oz.

It is exactly this sort of thing that makes me wish so very badly that I could go ahead and advance into the 21st century and maintain more than my current irregular and often fleeting access to the internet.

All joking aside, after reading that post and listening to the linked audio of the debate, I was struck by a realization, and I wish to offer a suggestion!

From this point forward, whenever anyone fires off a comment, rationalization, argument, or any such statement that they have been repeatedly shown is utterly ignorant, I think it should be referred to as "firing the Comfort-Ray(TM)."

Just my two cents. :P

Kel asked:

Aren't dog's technically still a subspecies of wolf?

I think that quite depends on who you ask.

@7: "What a maroon!"

What, he turned crimson?

By Heraclides (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

@18: It's kiwifruit, one word. Kiwis are either birds or people (New Zealanders). Kiwifruit is a registered product name.

I'll try track it down, but the Canterbury Atheist's website has some of early "Comfort" works. Let's see: visit http://canterburyatheists.blogspot.com/ and go back one "previous posts" to dredge up post about old Comfort pamphlets, etc.

By Heraclides (not verified) on 08 Apr 2009 #permalink

Speaking of which, I just saw a debate wherein Lee Strobel mentioned, at long, long length, about how he used to be an atheist. I did not know that! I did not know that Lee Strobel used to be an atheist. Thanks for the info Lee! I. Did. Not. Know. That.

By tweetybirdie386sx (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink

Oh yeah, Lee Strobel also mentioned about how god has an infinite mind, and since people have a finite mind, then it makes sense that we were created in god's image. Makes pretty good sense...

And don't y'all forget that tomorrow we remember the crucifixion of the Easter Bunny, the only oviparous rodent that ever lived, who died to redeem our sinful lust for chocolate. Amen.

I've always wanted to get into the mind of people like Ray. Just how much of it is his fallacious logic and how much of it is his hyper-emotionalism due to an abnormal brain. I suspect a wee bit of down syndrome. He has that "man child" face I keep running into when it comes to political nut-jobs. My evidence is pretty much every male anchor of fox news.. just look at Bill O'Riley and Rush Limmmmaaaahhh.

By Janis Chambers (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink

If spouting goofy shit will get me a ticket to New Zealand then let me tell you about my banana and the first time "Oh god" and "Oh Jesus" touched my life.....

By jimmiraybob (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink

Posted by: Janis Chambers | April 9, 2009 8:11 AM

I've always wanted to get into the mind of people like Ray.

Careful if you do - I believe that any rational-thinking person attempting to get into that head would be akin to a sumo wrestler trying to take a Ford Focus for a test drive.

Random rant, please ignore:

Speaking of Bananaman:

I just wanted to share my ... I don't know ... maybe anger, maybe just utter astonishment:

There is a link on his page leading to the http://tenthousanddollaroffer.com . I clicked it, to find out, what kind of sneaky trick the Ray had thought up to evade paying the money. I was expecting trick questions or something alike, but no. The idea he came up with is just so much dumber:

Basically the results page says: You said you didn't lie, but you also said that you always loved god more than anything else. In RANDOM BIBLEQUOTE gOd says that nobody seeks him. So either you or gOd is a lier. Sorry, you failed the test.


He's even a sneaky bastard when nobody forces him to. I understand he has to lie about evolution, because it goes against his (weird) beliefs, but this was just not necessery. Arrrgh!

Changed his animal, huh. Perhaps he's having his doubts about the evolutionary origin of the elephant. Maybe we'll have to get through to him one animal at a time.

Ray Comfort. Blah what a buffoon. (alright, ya got me I made an ad hominem, but come on, he begs for it) I'm sorry Ray. Ok, I'm not really sorry.

but for some more goofballness read the comments in this apologetic's blog and then their cherry picked quote mine response.


and then their cherry picked quote mine.

Ray Comfort is a dishonest man and not very bright either. He is a good example of someone who isn't aware of how unintelligent he is.

But that's not why I am breaking out from lurking to post for the first time here at Pharyngula... I am posting to try to convince my fellow skeptics to lay off the bashing of boxed wine.

Sure the world's best wines are bottled and corked, with cork that goes bad more often than anyone really wants to admit. As skeptics I think, we should stop the bashing and start pushing the positive aspects of boxed wine; i.e. Cheaper thereby greener shipping, no oxidization after opening, stacks nicely in the pantry, etc...

The day I can drink a good Malbec from a box is a day that I may just have to consider that there is a god out there somewhere, despite the risk of catching faith I think that would make the world a better place :)

I'll go back to lurking now...

Blah what a buffoon. (alright, ya got me I made an ad hominem,...)

It isn't ad hominem, because it really is true, and it is directly relevant to his ability to understand complex information and theory.

He really is a buffoon.

By Bernard Bumner (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink

I've often vacationed in the Boundary Waters wilderness of northern Minnesota, which is a designated wilderness are, which means no glass or metal containers for food or drink. The introduction of boxed wine in the early 1980's only made these trips better. Freshly caught walleyes with a nice chardonnay...

That's it, time to get out the maps and plan this year's trip.

Dogs can't evolve?!? The creatures with the slipperiest most pliable genome on the planet? The ones we can compare clearly to other canids and see the differences and similarities?


By Faithful Reader (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink

sunnuva..."designated wilderness area". Twitchy coffee fingers...

Trust me, you do not want to get into the mind of somebody like Ray Comfort. I tried. I even went to a Fundamentalist Bible College after my freshman year at a real university. All I got was a literal nervous breakdown from too much cognitive dissonance.

By The Other Elwood (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink

Whenever anyone claims the evolution/creation debate centers on knowledge and intelligence, I point them to Pharyngula. As all can plainly see on this site, this is nothing but a spiritual battle centered on man’s rebellion against God.

While you are free to spout your nonsense, I shudder when I see the outright hatred many of you have for God …
We can only pray that God opens your eyes to His Truth.

“The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”
- Psalm 14:1

“It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this, the Judgment.”
- Hebrews 9:27

And, by the way, how many of you know that the Genesis Account of Creation is based on more empirical science than the theory of evolution?

who is your creator @ 116:

This will probably just whet your trollish appetite, and I apologize to the other readers, but I'm in no mood for your silliness.
* Fuck you.
* Fuck the Son.
* Fuck the Father.
* Fuck the Holy Ghost.

Bring the evidence. Something other than your fucking righteous pablum. Until then, shut the fuck up.

Who is your creator

I hate god as much as I hate the Easter rabbit.

By CosmicTeapot (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink

Ray Comfort is currently in the lead for top status in my list of dishonest, stupid creationists.

PZ- Ray is a dishonest (or at the very least disingenuous), stupid (or at least portends to be) creationist, but at the heart of it, he is nothing more than a street preacher with a blog, some bullshit thrown together scribes he calls books, and a very small following.

Lead for top status? I don't think he ranks up there with Ken Ham, Farah, Jindal, Huckabee, Dobson, Perkins or McLeroy. They are all better politically connected, and better financed, therefore more of a danger.

By Benjamin Franklin (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink

Menyambal #85 FTW right there.


Apologies for offending the fans of wine in boxes. Please note that my snark was aimed not so much at the actual boxes or boxing, but rather at the quality of the wine that is usually boxed. I'm sure there are delicious exceptions, but come on. The subject was white zinfandel for chrissakes.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink

who is your creator-

I for one, and I suspect that most, if not all of the posters on this blog, do not hate god.

What I hate is self righteous scumbags who claim that their interpretation of god and the bible is the only correct one.

It is the fool who says that only his or her beliefs and interpretation is The Truth(tm).

By Benjamin Franklin (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink

Sven, you're right about the quality - I wouldn't normally drink it, but when it's all there is, that's all there is.

But I would never touch white zin. Worse than bad rose.

Another advantage of boxed wine: Police inspectors in other countries don't know what it is and won't confiscate it. You may never need to know that, but if you ever do, you'll be glad you do.

By Menyambal (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink

Sven DiMilo#121
White zinfandel is a blight on our world... No argument here.

Just drank a nice box of white zin.

Was Tuesday a good year?

By Benjamin Franklin (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink

The dog???!!!? Of all the species to pick, the dog would be the worst. Look how much we've messed around with it in the last couple hundred years. Whole new breeds have been created by mixing up other breeds. If we can do that to them that quickly, imagine how much they've changed on their own just in the last 15000 years. Ha! In the dictionary next to the word Stupid is a picture of this guy.

Wait he changed his argument to a DOG? Which breed, exactly? That's the worst possible change to his argument he could possibly make! We make them evolve all the damned time (time being a thankfully relative term to counteract the hyperbole). Labradoodles anybody?

By Serenegoose (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink

Although there wasn't much else in Ray's remarks that didn't make me sick to my stomach, i liked his analysis about the banana and the hand. I myself have found that a certain body part resembling a banana also fits very comfortably in my hand. Do you think Ray would say this was the intention of his 3-in-1 invisible friend?

Ray Comfort is really dumb or really smart. The former if he believes what he says, but I think it's more likely that he can see how ridiculous his arguments are, but hey it made him rich and famous so why would he fold?

I guess it's kinda like professional wrestling, no matter how ridiculously scripted it is you'll never, ever get a pro wrestler to admit it's fake.

As a Kiwi, I am so embaressed to discover that Ray Comfort is also a Kiwi. I had no idea.

Spencer: Maybe it's a quirk of recent evolution in NZ, but we manage to put all our "stupid" in one or two individuals, then ship them overseas.

Yeah. Thanks for that.

First(time posting), how can I hate something that doesn't exist? I will never understand that kind of comment.

Second, #130 made me laugh my ass off!

Third and last, Whatever Ray smokes, I want some.

#87: Isn't most of Comfort's brain made of the element bolonium?

Wow, I think Ray really got spanked here. I mean, I wasn't really expecting Ray to do well, but considering he has plenty of debating experience and was against someone with none, I'm kind of surprised by just how badly he did.

By StealthDonkey (not verified) on 09 Apr 2009 #permalink