Memorable procrastination

Wow. I thought it was amazing that Paul Nelson had taken 5 years and counting to get around to explaining ontogenetic depth, but that's nothing: he has been promising a monograph on common descent for eleven years. If his wife sends him out to the store for a gallon of milk, does he come back a year later with cheese?

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In April 2005, I posted a piece (reproduced below the cut) that discussed Evolutionary Monographs as the putative outlet for Paul Nelson's 1998 Ph.D. thesis, a thesis that argues against common descent. In comments over at the Panda's Thumb, Nelson noted that: Bill Dembski and I have been working…

Aw, give him a break...maybe he's had a lot of grading to do.

Of course he will come back with cheese instead of milk, after having fermented into cheese for a year, at least looking like cheese but perhaps tasting like anything but cheese.

Meanwhile, Dembski and Marks have two papers coming out...somewhere. Even Casey Luskin didn't say where.

Gee whiz, if all I had to do was to write a paper, and would get paid to do it full time, it would be worked on diligently. Now, five years later, and neither a paper nor an acknowledgement that there is nothing there? How deep is hole he dug (drops rock to see how deep the hole is).

By Nerd of Redhead, OM (not verified) on 30 Apr 2009 #permalink

If his wife sends him out to the store for a gallon of milk, does he come back a year later with cheese?

Sure, it would give him time to study lactobacillus cultures and how they evolve ;-)

By Fred the Hun (not verified) on 30 Apr 2009 #permalink

Well, apparently he worships cheeses, though I admit I may have misheard that.

Of course he had to help write a textbook made up of many creationist canards. No doubt repeating that junk took up many hours.

And it could be that he's found refuting evolution a tad difficult. Hard to believe, you know, but surely it's just possible.

Glen D

"Blessed are the cheesemakers? Why them?"

By murgadroid (not verified) on 30 Apr 2009 #permalink

Well, I thought Alan Clarke's 3 weeks (and counting) delayed response to Josh was bad. He can't use the "I'm doing my taxes" excuse anymore.

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 30 Apr 2009 #permalink

"Well, obviously, it's not meant to be taken literally; it refers to any manufacturers of dairy products."

I just got done reading the brief over at Panda's Thumb. I waited 5 years to have that explained? And why does this seem like deja vu? Seriously. When I got near the end where it talks about the unattributed quote from China, I had a solid deja vu experience. Hmmm.

This just seems like more of the same. Whether it's blood clotting, or flagella, it all seems like hand waving.

Why don't they just start with the straight forward stuff, like explaining why there are no fossils of deer along those of dinosaurs? Have they done that yet? Does anyone know of their "explanation" for that?

@8...Well it's not meant to be taken literally. It really refers to anyone who works in the dairy industry.

By Ahnald Brownsh… (not verified) on 30 Apr 2009 #permalink

I am about to post a comment here...but I will get back to you shortly.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 30 Apr 2009 #permalink

The dog ate his homework... a lot.

Now now now, maybe he's just being a good scientist and still testing his hypotheses. Oh, wait, nope ... he already believes his ideas have merit, and is a fellow of the ID propaganda machine DI. Oops.

Seriously, he can't decide on a font.

Of course he had to help write a textbook made up of many creationist canards.

So, when his wife sends him out to the store for a gallon of milk, he comes back a year later with a duck.

By Emmet, OM (not verified) on 30 Apr 2009 #permalink

Moggie @6

That was good! Damn good! Now all I can think of is "cheeses on a cross". I think I'll work on an appetizer of that name :-)

As for Nelson, I'm sure he's working in Biblical time. For him, it's only been a few seconds ......

When he goes out to get a litre of milk, he… well, we don't know what he comes back with. We're still waiting…

Sweet. Shirley Manson of Garbage is one of us. I guess that proves the atheists are the Terminators of the future.

Well done and informative.

Is ID anything but bad metaphors?

Pdiff @ 20

Found this via google "Cheese Hot Cross Buns"

By Fred the Hun (not verified) on 30 Apr 2009 #permalink

No, no, you're all misreading this. Darwin took something like, what, two decades to go public with his ideas about evolution? I'm sure Nelson's doing something similar, only his theory will be much better than anything Darwin ginned up, and thus will take that much more time to do well. "Ontogenetic depth" is just that important.

Or maybe not.

By Bokanovsky Process (not verified) on 30 Apr 2009 #permalink

Happy Valborg's Eve to all

It looks like he was trying to cash in on the Christian Distraction Machine bandwagon. They come up with this crap to appear to support their forgone conclusion. Then they provide enough of it so one can move from distraction to distraction to keep themselves from doing any heavy thinking.

We should all be thankful his contribution to the creationuts meme didn't catch on so we don't have to waste any time on it.

By Bill McElree (not verified) on 30 Apr 2009 #permalink

About 5-6 years ago, Paul told me that one of the reasons for his "demotion" from a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute was his failure to come up with the published monograph. It turns out that the Evolutionary Monographs series at UChicago is basically defunct (it was a one-man show even in its palmy days), so it's unlikely that Paul's work will ever see the light of day. I think he should just publish it online, but I guess that wouldn't be as prestigious as being published under the University of Chicago banner. And fake prestige is all the IDiots can hope to gain.......

By Andy Groves (not verified) on 30 Apr 2009 #permalink

Well, if I believed I had an eternal life in front of me, I'd have no problem taking eleven years to write down a phone number. Kind of changes perspective on a lot of things, not just the value of life and how to spend it. If you believe you're going to be forever, what does anything matter that involves any finite time frame?

So when I'm done my undergraduate degree in biology (health professions focus =/) will I be able to understand this stuff?

I feel dismayed I can share the smirks at reading the complete drubbing that Nelson is probably recieving since I don't really understand the material being discussed.

#32 should read

"I feel dismayed I can't share the smirks..."

Moggie #6 FTW. Though saying that, this thread is full of win :)

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 01 May 2009 #permalink