PZ-T? “What is the sound you make when you stick a fork in a light socket, Alex?”


Oh. Nice shirt.

More like this

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Here are a few miscellaneous cephalopod-related things people have sent me lately. Here's a squid kokigami template, and assembly instructions. I confess: I was wondering what the heck it was for, until I read further. Oh. My. Good hygiene and kokigami go well together. A town in Japan is building…

Oh yes! We needs one.

Uh huh. That's "funny".

A squid escaping from a small fish?

By 'Tis Himself (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

Buttons also available--check the link!

By recovering catholic (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

I really want one of those... but I don't think my fiance would have it.

She really hates graphic t-shirts... especially the one I have of two stick figures where the guy has an 'X' over an eye and the girl has an eyeball over her head with a caption that says "I've got my eye on you."

I'm asking for your opinion Pharyngulites... is it bad that I wear t-shirts that say things like "By reading this you have given me brief control of your mind" and "Try not to let your mind wander. It's much too small to go outside by itself?"

I hope you're getting a cut.

I need a crate full of those shirts for distribution in South america

By Chiaroscuro (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

Not liking T-shirts with graphics? Mood is more than just color, it's something to use as a statement. One of my favorite shirts is looking at a cat from the mouse-side of a mouse hole. The nice thing about T-shirts with graphics is that you get to change it as often as you like, unlike bumper stickers.

'm asking for your opinion Pharyngulites... is it bad that I wear t-shirts that say things like "By reading this you have given me brief control of your mind" and "Try not to let your mind wander. It's much too small to go outside by itself?"

Only if it is wrong that all my t-shirts are similar to this one?

Forget South America. We could use a few cratefuls right here in Arizona: one crateful in my closet, size L, please, the rest for distribution.

By azportsider (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

Oh man...

must have must have must have must have!

KemaTheAtheist: i just saw that "mind control" t-shirt last night for the first time. i chuckled, then gave the guy all my money and drove him to the nearest casino.

No US delivery? Wonder if they can also offer through a US site...

By Randomfactor (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

I don't often feel an urge for T-shirts with graphics or commentary on them, but I really like this one and would love to have one. Or four.

By Darrell E (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

Glen @ #19:

PZ doesn't follow anyone, and certainly not a Christian (fish).

Nope: PZ is about to gobble up that poor little irrational fishy.


Nice T-shirt - but it's only available in Men's sizes! If it was in a women's size 8, I'd get myself one.

By Happy Tentacles (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

Women's sizes? Every woman I've ever known has fallen somewhere along the S/M/L/XL spectrum (plus there's one marketed explicitly to women).

By Sven DIMilo (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

I don't own my favorite t-shirt; I've only seen it twice in public places and was always too shy to ask the owner where he/she got it. It's a simple black and white drawing of a grassy field. In the background is a bunch of white sheep all huddled together and looking stupid (their eyes look empty and dumb). In the foreground is a lone sheep, concentrating on something laid on the ground before it: a book. That sheep is black. The black sheep, the outsider, is the one which reads a book.

Maybe I'll ask one of my artist friends to recreate that t-shirt. I wish I knew where to get one, though.

The t-shirt I've always wanted is "The Black Death Tour." It lists when various places were hit by the Black Death. Itstarts in Kaffa, Turkey 1346 and ends in Iceland 1354. My wife thinks the t-shirt is ghoulish, which makes me want it all the more.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

Funny thing about the fish, it's that pythagorean symbol or mathematical symbol of the two intersecting circles, another sacred pagan symbol coopted by... wait for it.... WAIT FOR IT.. the Christians!

Never would've guessed, huh?

My favorite graphic tee is of a giraffe walking through a maze looking for lost bunnies. He has a box on his back that says "Rescue" and there's a bird on his head giving him directions.

My second favorite graphic shirt says "Nerds 2 Squared Ever".

It doesn't look like they'll ship to the USA, though.

bloody hell, that's a nice one. why didn't I think of that?

I still have my Grateful Dead and Steppin Wolf t-shirts.

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink


If they don't deliver to the US, maybe I'll order it to my mom's place... *ponders*

So when can I order one (/half a dozen)?

OT: Life’s First Spark Re-Created in the Laboratory

A fundamental but elusive step in the early evolution of life on Earth has been replicated in a laboratory.
Researchers synthesized the basic ingredients of RNA, a molecule from which the simplest self-replicating structures are made.

I am not responsible for the 'does evolution include Abiogenesis' debate that will surely ensue, but this is wicked awesome cool.

Transcend that, Cardinal Moron-O'Conman.

By Brownian, OM (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

Of course, I can be held responsible for any ensuing 'why did Brownian capitalise abiogenesis?' debates.

By Brownian, OM (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

"Funny thing about the fish, it's that pythagorean symbol or mathematical symbol of the two intersecting circles, another sacred pagan symbol coopted by... wait for it.... WAIT FOR IT.. the Christians!

Never would've guessed, huh?"

I always wondered why Christians were so obsessed with Cronbach's measure of internal consistency

By Dionysianexile (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

I have a custom-made t-shirt I asked my artistic friend to design for me. It shows jesus on the cross wearing a crown of thorns, his face twisted in agony. Underneath the legend reads; "Kill Your Idol". I get a lot of stick from people when I wear that shirt...

Holy fuck! Assuming everything is legit and reproducible with that RNA result then that's the coolest thing I've heard in quite some time.

From the article linked above by Brownian:

Like other would-be nucleotide synthesizers, Sutherland’s team included phosphate in their mix, but rather than adding it to sugars and nucleobases, they started with an array of even simpler molecules that were probably also in Earth’s primordial ooze.

They mixed the molecules in water, heated the solution, then allowed it to evaporate, leaving behind a residue of hybrid, half-sugar, half-nucleobase molecules. To this residue they again added water, heated it, allowed it evaporate, and then irradiated it.

At each stage of the cycle, the resulting molecules were more complex. At the final stage, Sutherland’s team added phosphate. “Remarkably, it transformed into the ribonucleotide!” said Sutherland.

I always chuckle with an evil glee when a simple experiment, coupled with some inspired guess-work, yields such a grand result. Science, it's what happens when you learn how to think.

Here's to hoping that the work is honest and replicable and that someone turns it into a really sharp T-shirt.

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

...because Brownian is feeling especially naughty today, and wants attention from the Spelling Police?

By Patricia, OM (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

Wot, no mugs? I want a squid mug!

By Kevin Anthoney (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

They mixed the molecules in water, heated the solution, then allowed it to evaporate, leaving behind a residue of hybrid, half-sugar, half-nucleobase molecules. To this residue they again added water, heated it, allowed it evaporate, and then irradiated it.At each stage of the cycle, the resulting molecules were more complex. At the final stage, Sutherland’s team added phosphate. “Remarkably, it transformed into the PZ-T!” …

Does that explain why the squid has only six arms? And the fish is also rather “primitive” looking…

It is is a nice shirt… and they ship to France! Hummmm……

is is? Gah gah!

(After saying that aloud I have the feeling it'll be considered my most intelligent comment ever. Sighs…)

Can't find/buy the T-shirt with the graphic/text of your dreams? Rip it off! Go to your local office supply store, buy some iron-on decal paper, blow up your desired graphic to the size you want, print it, iron it onto a Tee. I've done it with T-shirts and hats. Works fine. It might not last as long as a commercially printed shirt but it's not bad. And you get what you want, when you want it. Can't beat that with a stick.

By Die Anyway (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

Cool shirts.

And, now. Off topic. But it seems that another dead animal has washed up on the east coast. And another bunch of water head dip-shits seem to think it's another "Montauk Monster" lately escaped from some government lab.



Looks like a bear.
My favorite line from the article:

"The beast smelled like a mix of low-tide and rotten garbage,"..."It really smelled horrific. I couldn't help but take numerous pictures of it and video clips."

It smelled bad? No shit, numb-nuts. It's rotting animal washed up on the beach.

If there's any monster here it's name is C-R-E-D-U-L-I-T-Y.
AKA the Gullibeast from 20,000 Fathoms.

Sorry for going run-away off topic.

By Bone Oboe (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

I notice in the comments for the comic that they are working on getting shipments available to the US next week. I hope they include Canada too.

Very cool!

Sorry for going run-away off topic.

Yeah, well, next time stay on topic like the rest of us, jerk!

(Patricia's right. I am in a naughty mood today.)

One of the things keeping forensic anthropologists around here busy is identifying skin bear paws mistakenly thought to be human hands (they look similar, but bears have one less row of phalanges).

Half-decomposed things without their skin often look like something else. No need to get all freaky about it.

By Brownian, OM (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

Did you see the Monster guy's speculation that the carcass could be a terrorist plot to spread H1N1 flu virus to the good people of Long Island?
classic nuttiness

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

Did you see the Monster guy's speculation that the carcass could be a terrorist plot to spread H1N1 flu virus to the good people of Long Island?

I am very very glad I was not drinking anything, eating anything, or vigorously rubbing anything when I read that. Otherwise there'd be a terrible mess dripping all over the screen and keyboard in need of cleaning up.

I've always wanted a "Teenage Mutant Ganga Terrapins" shirt.

My aunt had a shirt with a pair of wrinkled pendulous breasts on it, with the caption "National Geographic"

Is Alex the African Gray Parrot with the phenomenal vocabulary?

By recovering catholic (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

Anonymous @ # 25 - the "Black Death Tour" t-shirt is here.

Wear it in good health...

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

Sounds more like PeaceEddie than an electrical spark, eh?

By JohnnieCanuck (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

I am not responsible for the 'does evolution include Abiogenesis' debate that will surely ensue

We're on the verge of having a theory of biology that encompasses both the origin of biological organisms and their diversification.

but this is wicked awesome cool

Damn straight. Self assemblage is god.

Back to the topic: Does this mean I have to move to England?

By nothing's sacred (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

test post
test post

test post

test quote
test quote

test quote


Thanks. Ordered.

By nothing's sacred (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

now, now now. let's not confuse jesus the philosopher with jesus the man made god. probably should have a cross as the consumable, eh????

By genesgalore (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

Yeah, well, next time stay on topic like the rest of us, jerk!

I said I was sorry. ;)

Mother of babbling Chist, I've made a little emoti-winky.

By Bone Oboe (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

I always liked this shirt.

This one's pretty funny too.

Most of the rest of the shirts they sell are horrible, in a sort of funny kind of way. For those with an oblique sense of humor.

There, sort of back on the topic of T-shirts.

O' where art thou, Redeemer of Jerks?
Why have you forsaken me?

Pierce R. Butler, thanks for the link to the "Black Death" shirt. That's a keeper.

By Bone Oboe (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

Hooray for HTML fAiL.

By Bone Oboe (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

Before mine eyes had fully focused on the thumbnail, I thought you made cectic again. 'Twas good comicosity, nonetheless. [shirt has now been added to the queue labeled "to-order"]

By «bønez_brigade» (not verified) on 14 May 2009 #permalink

threadless.com makes some great graphic tee's. It supports artists too, as they take submissions and the most votes gets made into a Tee and the artist gets a small amount of cash (not as much as they should probably, but still.)

Lots of great t-shirts/hoodies/whatevers for all shapes and sizes.

link in #34 goes into "stuff to throw at stoopid creobots" folder


this is awesome... especially how relatively SIMPLE the whole thing was...

Oh cool, a little summer treat for me. Well assuming we get a summer this year that is, this being the UK after all.

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 15 May 2009 #permalink

T-shirt. Bloody hell! I live in Texas. I need the real thing!

Where's the car ornament? In chrome.

So we can surreptitiously put it on the backs of other cars, where fish are found in good supply.