I am easily amused

It's the incongruity that made me laugh.


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When newspaper columnist Art Buchwald died on Wednesday I had to laugh. Forgive me if this shocks you, but he always made me laugh, even when he died. In an interview on PBS's Newshour, Jeffrey Brown played a video of Buchwald reading the first sentence he would write if he were to write his…
Commenting over at the Panda's Thumb, "steve s" offers a Pythonesque take on ID. Well, it made me laugh.
I just finished off one big chunk of grading, and on this exam, as is my custom, I give students a few bonus points with an easy question at the end. It is also my custom every year to have one of those easy questions be, "Name a scientist, any scientist, who also happens to be a woman," just to…
This photograph made me laugh. Via The Superficial