I've got to stop being so longwinded. Here's a very clear summary of the entire "New Atheist"/accommodationist debate. I'll put it below the fold because it does have a few naughty words in it, and unfortunately the children will use that as an excuse to ignore the message.
There are two main views concerning the reason why Americans are so pathetically fucking delusional at the population level concerning the nature of objective reality, especially in relation to the history of the planet Earth.
One view is that the problem is that scientists and science teachers are no good at explaining science to laypeople and students, respectively. The other view is that the problem is that American society is grotesquely polluted with patently absurd wackaloon religious bullshit from top to bottom, stem to stern, and port to starboard.
If you buy in to the former, then you concern troll scientists and science educators and tell them that they are DOING IT WRONG. If you buy in to the latter, then you implacably debunk patently absurd wackaloon religious bullshit everywhere you see it.
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