Home alone

I have been abandoned. My wife has left me. The kids have all moved out. I'm stuck home alone with nothing to do but work and take care of the annoying cats for a whole week, and I may just go insane.

The Trophy Wife has gone to summer camp! She's working for a week as a camp counselor at Minnesota's Camp Quest, the secular place for smart kids to be. I'm thinking I should probably demand, as a price for forcing me to bach it for all this time, some kind of direct report from her at the end of the week that I could post here and get everyone excited about sending their kids (or spouses) away for a while.

I'd say that I should get her to send me daily updates on the events there, but I think she's going to be busy. As it is, all I've heard so far is that they have luxurious new cabins and great food. I had leftover tuna casserole for dinner last night, just sayin'.

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