The SSA needs YOU

Our trip to the Creation "Museum" was sponsored and organized by the Secular Student Alliance, a wonderful organization that helps build and support freethought on college campuses all across the country. The meeting this past weekend, for instance, was for training student representatives in how to grow and maintain their campus groups.

I have good news and bad news, though.

Here's the good news, and it is exceptional, wonderful, excellent news: secular student groups are booming, popping up all over the place, and there's no end in sight. Look how SSA has grown:


The bad news, though, is a common problem for non-profits everywhere — the economy is doing poorly, and donations are declining. They are entirely dependent on the generosity of the supporters of freethought, and we're all feeling the pinch.


If you can, make a donation or join — every little bit helps. There are a lot of us and our numbers are growing, and if we all just shared a little, then maybe income would be a slightly better approximation to membership growth.

More details are available in a pdf online. Check it out and do what you can.

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