Freakshow highlighted in NY Times

It's getting to be a regular feature—every year, the NY Times must do a story on that bizarre miseducation monument, the Creation "Museum". This time around, the story isn't too awful — it focuses on the recent NAPC meeting, in which several professional paleontologists paid a visit to the creationist carnival to be alternately appalled and amused.

Several people have asked when I'm going to visit Ken Ham's temple. It's been settled! It's all arranged, but no thanks at all to Ham. Here's the deal: I'm going to be speaking at the Secular Student Alliance conference in August, which is being held in Columbus, Ohio…only two hours away from the museum! Sharp-eyed and chronologically aware Phil Ferguson noticed this interesting conjunction, and suggested that I adjust my travel schedule a tiny bit and come down a day early, and we'd take a little side trip. The SSA was amenable and tweaked my flight dates, and it is all happening!

On Friday, 7 August, a small group of godless people, including yours truly, will be at the "museum" when it opens at 10am on Friday, 7 August. Everyone is welcome to join in—we'll pack the joint with quietly chortling science-minded people. When I get back from Lindau, I'll also write to Ken Ham and request the pleasure of an audience, inviting him to come on out and evangelize to secular students.

It should be great fun. I've got a long list of questions to ask the docents…so long that I'm going to have to prune it down a lot. Come on out and join the party! And as long as you are, you might want to think about signing up for the SSA conference, which should be more informative.

Actually, a half-hour at a nearby sewage treatment plant would be more informative. The SSA meeting will be even better than that!

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