Build your own “Museum”!

Did you miss out on our trip to the Creation "Museum" last week? Do you wish you could see such amazing inanity on display, but you live far away and you just don't think it's worth the money? Or perhaps you just don't want to give AiG a penny. Well, here's your solution: make your own! It's easy, it's cheap, and trust me, it's just as scientifically accurate.

All you have to do is go to your local WalMart and browse the toy section. Get a random assortment of plastic animals, arrange them into a beautiful diorama, and take pictures. Presto! That's what these clever people did.


I just have to add that gluing googly eyes on everything was brilliant. It makes the whole display so much better than anything in the $27 million dollar monument to folly in Kentucky. (Uh-oh — I hope AiG isn't reading this, or they'll rush out and get bigger googly eyes to glue on all their exhibits, and increase their verisimilitude a thousand fold).

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