The next big thing from the creationist movie community

Kevin Miller, screenwriter for the propaganda film Expelled, has a new project in the works that follows in the Christian movie tradition.

Creation, Resurrection Pictures' first original film project—a humorous and tearful story of a high school biology teacher's struggle to expose the lie of evolution, based on the life of creation evangelist Dr. Kent Hovind and written by Kevin Miller the writer of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed is scheduled for production in 2010.

I was rolling my eyes, nothing more, as I read that, until I hit those magic words, "Dr Kent Hovind"…then I had to smirk. Seriously? Tax cheat and fraud and recipient of an advanced degree from an unaccredited split-level diploma mill in Colorado, with a dissertation that begins "Hello, my name is Kent Hovind", and that is little more than a collection of magazine articles snipped out and pasted in a scrap book…and that is Kevin Miller's hero?

I predict that there will be a wee bit of truth-stretching in that screenplay.

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And burn some bulls, their odor is pleasing to the Lord.

By mick.long (not verified) on 12 Feb 2010 #permalink

@Heavens Mothball distributer(janitor-in case you dont get it)

Let me get this straight

You want the following:

"Any nation that wanted to be allies would have to recoginize human rights and freedom of religion."
I gather you want freedom of religion

"Then the Catholic Church would be banned"
You want to ban the Catholic church

You want to ban Islam

Islam is a religion,catholicism is a religion

You want freedom of religion,how again?

Please clear this up for me,I dont understand how you can and cant want something at the same time,is this a divinely inspired skill or something?

By Apocraphy (not verified) on 14 Feb 2010 #permalink