It's culture time!

Let's hear it for the arts!

  • The detestation of Genesis is universal, but hey you Brits! Instead of nagging on our creationist creepazoids, maybe you need to pick on the creationists in your backyard. Although, I have to say, the English creationists seem much less unpleasant than Ken Ham.

  • It's time for some monkey music, composed from patterns in tamarin monkey calls. The 'fearful monkey music' is irritating to even this ape, and the 'happy monkey music' doesn't make me happy at all. Maybe we're not so related after all. Especially since the monkeys seem to like Metallica.

  • I also can't dance. But you can now watch science-based dance, with ballet compositions built around Shackleton's Antarctic expedition (I wonder if it ends with everyone frozen motionless?), animal courtship dances, and the Big Bang, which must be very hard on the dancers.


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