Public Enemy #5

Focus on the Family has just come out with their list of the "five media Leftists who distort Americans' views of the Bush and Obama presidencies". Ooooh. Guess who is on the list?

Paul Krugman, Nobel prize-winner, is #1. #2 is the editor of Newsweek, Jon Meacham; #3 is Ezra Klein. #4 is my favorite, Janeane Garofalo; I ♥ Janeane, and any list with her on it must be a collection of winners.

#5? ME! I even got the longest write-up of the bunch…they had to work hard to catalog all of my crimes. Maybe there's hope I can climb higher next year.

The runners-up — you know, all the people I beat out — are interesting, too: Bill Maher, Keith Olbermann, Joy Behar, Joshua Micah Marshall, David Fenton, and Jeffrey Toobin. Better luck next time, people!

Say, is there an awards ceremony? Can I invite Janeane as my platonic date (I'd still be going home with my wife, don't worry)? Or at least sit next to her?


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