“Hey, PZ, how's the book coming along?”

I'm trying to have some serious writerly discipline here, so I've been hammering at the keyboard all day, and will do more tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after, etc., until it's all done (my goal is to wrap it all up within a month). As part of the process, I'm going to start posting a summary of my output at the end of each day.

So, productivity for Saturday, 26 September:

4105 words, three pieces mostly complete; one's a little rough and needs some overall polish, another has a weak ending that needs some tightening.

I'm finding the stuff I write in the morning to be a lot cleaner than the later work, so I don't expect to get quite those numbers tomorrow; I'm going to sink some time when I'm fresh to just sharpening up the clumsy bits.


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