Oh, give it a rest, Bill

Bill Donohue has put me on his mailing list, so I get these 'alerts' from the Catholic League several times a day. Here's the latest (the colors are as sent to me: I guess it was very important!)

On Thursday, October 29, 2009 at 8:45 am ET, Catholic League President Bill Donohue will appear on Fox News Channel's "Fox and Friends."

He will discuss the recent attack on Jesus on HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm."

"Attack on Jesus". Jebus, what a loon.

Well, you know what the only reasonable response to such foolishness is. We must watch the Attack on Jesus, and laugh, even if I didn't think it was that funny.

You know, I still have a stash of holy crackers. I might just have to escalate some more, just to witness Donohue's public meltdown, and make a point: nobody, especially anyone who is not Catholic, has to revere Catholic icons, and demanding that we do is only gonna get Jesus hurt some more.

I'll be traveling tomorrow, so I'll have to miss the execrable Fox and Friends…but I'm sure the swollen and empurpled spitting Donohue will be on youtube when I get back.


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