Porn causes tsunamis and earthquakes

Powerful stuff, that porn. The Indonesian Minister of Communication and Information (who must be very smart to have a title like that) has determined that recent natural disasters in his country are a consequence of the ubiquity of pornographic DVDs. His logic is something like this: 1) it is a fact that one can easily buy porn in local markets, and 2) it is a fact that the Padang earthquake killed over a thousand people and that the Aceh tsunami devastated an entire region, therefore 3) it is a fact that the two are causally related. Well, point 3 is a little shaky, but 1 and 2 are so strong it must make up for the absence of a causal relationship. Right? Right?

Anyway, you must all now unplug the internet and go through your magazines and DVDs and dispose of anything that might stir the wrath of gods. I'll be sorry to see you all go, but it's better this way than that you all end up drowned or crushed or blown to Oz or something. Unless, of course, you have slightly more rigorous expectations of evidence than the Indonesian Minister of Communication and Information…

(All the trolls should now scurry to hide in their basement while the regulars hang around.)


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If that's the case, there should be more Tsunamis and Earthquakes in US and Europe

By maillafaz (not verified) on 23 Dec 2009 #permalink

busana muslim

I thought all teh porn was making solar flares shoot out mutated neutrinos that were heating up the earth's core and melting the crust, causing it to slide around like melting butter in a frying pan.