Get your geek on for Thursday

I'm going to be opening my mouth again on Thursday in Minneapolis — I'll be giving a talk in MCB 3-120 on the Minneapolis campus at 7:30 on Thursday, 3 December. This will be open to the public, and it will also be an all-science talk, geared for a general audience. I'd say they were going to check your nerd credentials at the door, but just showing up means you're already fully qualified.

The subject of the talk is my 3 big interests: a) evolution, or how we got here over multiple generations, b) development, or how we got here in a single generation, and c) the nervous system, the most complicated tissue we have. I intend to give a rough outline of how nervous tissue works, how it is assembled into a working brain, and how something so elaborate could have evolved. All in one hour. Wheee!

Afterwards, we'll be joining the CASH gang for refreshments, somewhere. They haven't told me yet where, but I know they're fond of pizza.

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By alberty788 (not verified) on 10 Feb 2010 #permalink