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Nice counterpoint to the Iowa billboards... too bad it is unlikely to get air time in the USA.

Out of the door, line on the left, one cross each...

By complex field (not verified) on 14 Feb 2010 #permalink

Adherents to the faith!

But they're gluing a Jew, not a Christian!

By Callinectes (not verified) on 14 Feb 2010 #permalink

What next, the padded iron maiden?

They both pale to the brutal savagery that was the Spanish Inquisition.

What? The Spanish inquisition? By George, I did not expect that.

By jagannath (not verified) on 14 Feb 2010 #permalink

I really think that duct tape is more secure.

WTF? Where is that kind of funny in these parts?

Oh, yah, that's right, the US is the land of humorless Puritans.

Carry on.

Well durn. I'm going to miss the stigmata. Or as I tell my wife when I head out for (mis)adventure... If I'm not bleeding, I'm not having fun.

Die Anyway
"Go full hog and accept the consequences."

By Die Anyway (not verified) on 14 Feb 2010 #permalink

Ahh, now this explains why they call them "Religious Adherents."

Two words:

Gorilla tape.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 14 Feb 2010 #permalink


This is from the same period from Quebec (if you can understand :)

Super Jésus

Jesus is called in God's office because he has trouble facing the competition, and he has to change his image. So he becomes sort of a super hero, and opens Super Jésus BBQ chicken.

The Crucifixion always seemed a little off to me. You would think that a carpenter would be able to coup with getting nailed to a piece of wood. Especially when the carpenter supposedly was an omnipotent god.

Sasquatch Jesus

At 0.10 secs into the video, there's a shot of 3 nails on the cross-beam. I sincerely hope the video doesn't lend support to the doctrinal error Of triclavianism

This is gonna be way off topic, but you knwo you want one!

If Jesus came to Earth today
They’d crucify him straight away
Upon a cross of MDF
And they’d use No Need For Nails

"Upon Westminster Bridge"
- Half Man Half Biscuit


Merci :) that's quite funny :p

I can understand Quebecois, even though it's quite convoluted sometimes, couliss!


An ad which is about as close as anyone will get to one of my favorite jokes:

Murphy has own nail making business, and he wants it to be the best in the world. So he goes to a top advertising agency to have them create a marketing strategy. The agency assures him they can create a memorable advertising campaign in a week.

The following week Murphy goes back to the agency and is shown in to a small theatre to view the finished commercial.

The lights go off and screen springs into life.

On the screen is a sunset over a desert. The camera pans around to a hill and zooms in to the top of the hill. At the top of the hill is a wooden pole. The camera climbs up the pole to where a couple of feet are hanging. It then carries on up to a man's torso, up to his face, and there is Jesus' face.

It then moves along an outstretched arm, to a hand pinned firmly to a stake by a gleaming nail. A caption appears on the screen: "Murphy's nails - they'll never let you down"

Murphy is outraged. "You'll get me shut down," he screams, "that's blasphemous! I'll give you a week to come up with a decent campaign or I'll go elsewhere."

A week later Murphy goes back to the advertising agency and is shown into the theater. "This had better be an improvement," he warns. The lights dim and the screen leaps into life.

On the screen is a Roman street with lots of people milling about. The camera then pans quickly to left to see Jesus sprinting with all his might, being pursued by two Roman guards.

The camera then zooms in on the two guards, to catch one saying to the other, "This would never have happened if we'd used Murphy's nails."

By nixscripter (not verified) on 15 Feb 2010 #permalink

Damn, I wanted to do that. Damn it. Meh, can always make my own version. :p

Affix applicator perpendicular to palm of hand and drive in with 3lb mallet........"hey, this shite works!

By Punk'd by Entropy (not verified) on 15 Feb 2010 #permalink

If you're Jesus and you know it clap your hands


By doctorcrankenstein (not verified) on 15 Feb 2010 #permalink

Isn't it good to see the Romans and Jews building bridges and coming together in an equal opportunity execution? Crucifixion and stoning! Mooney will be so proud.

Bit anachronistic to call them xtians but still funny.

Next time one of you aussies asks what it's like in the puritan US, I'll point you here. If this aired in the US it would be bigger than nipple-gate. Congressman would lose office, national guard called-in, FCC would fine the network, etc.

By TimKO,,.,, (not verified) on 15 Feb 2010 #permalink

Does it work equally well for gluing creationists mouths shut?

If so, I'll take a case.

By https://www.go… (not verified) on 17 Feb 2010 #permalink