Quick, here's a distraction!
It's strange, but over the weekend we've had several threads top out over the magical 666 comment mark that I use as a signal to kill threads. There's the ever-expanding endless thread, of course, but also the Sins of omission thread, which is now being closed, and the These guys are dangerous nuts thread, which bloomed into chaos thanks to the wild and wacky Graeme Bird, who now, temporarily, has his own thread (I anticipate an imminent flameout and permanent eviction).
Is it possible that one thread no longer has the capacity to contain the raging ebullience of Pharyngulistas? You're worrying me, people!
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So, Jadehawk,
How does one go about sprouting dry beans? Will they grow into regular bean plants? I've never grown beans before, so I'd appreciate any suggestions.
I'll give you a gold star for that. Never mind that it looks like real gold, just don't try to electrolyze it (a recent CSI NY plot point). A grand+ posts, bonus...
Might I say, dear chap, that your level of pedantry was unappreciated. Consequently, I can only express myself in a form of an insult. It might not be social convention to insult one's mother, but indeed it is worthy of being called one to do so.
one lets them sprout on a soaking wet wad of cotton, and then stuff the ones that sprouted into soil. at least that's what we did with the great northern whites we got. they grew on our window still (propped up on my paintbrushes) and were very tasty :-)
Jadehawk, all one needs is a warm and moist place. I know this from experience. When I was five, I stuck a cherry pit in my ear. And I forgot about it. A few days later, I had a pretty bad earache. The doctor extracted a germinated cherry pit from my ear. Yeah, the sprouting root was not good for my ear.
How many people can say that they had a tree growing in their head?
But a coffee machine requires a level of cognitive capacity and manual dexterity impossible to the Lurching Undead.
The genuine artificial non-dairy creamer product, hazelnut syrup, and stevia are absolutely required (so that the coffee doesn't taste of coffee).
(Or at least not of instant coffee, but see previous paragraph re availability of drip coffee in the morning.)
Ooh! And a side-benefit; if shattering broken egg shells will deter slugs from my tomato plant, then maybe it'll also serve to keep Jebus in his cave! :)
*Runs away from any possible snark... After all, I'm the straight man (say "good night" gracie) ;)*
Wow, over a thousand and still moving. Where oh where is the overlord?
On the other hand, why am I posting? Hello? Apparently I have become victim of of a mass killfile. Testing, testing.
Jeebus help me, but "ear" was not the next word I was expecting to read.
Never, never! Post way. You are always read.
I just watched the bonus feature on the first DVD, "The Art of Spirited Away", and, yeah, the gesture is indeed something like a Japanese cootie shot.
Some of what they showed in there looked familiar, so maybe I watched it when I first got it, and forgot that little bit? Oh, well.
I feel that way some times. But no, no killfile here. You have to really get under my skin in a I-can't-dedicate-any-more-time-to-anything-you-say way to get killfiled by me and even then it would be a temporary affair. I hate censorship. I just know though that it's hard to stop arguing when there's always one more obnoxious post... grrrrrrrr.
Serious business and all.
Pygmy Loris:
I suspect (and cannot prove) that the reasoning is similar to Calvinism -- the fear that someone, somewhere, is having fun. Conservatism is the fear that someone, somewhere, is getting something for less than I paid. Or (even worse) for free.
And we (as a group (I guess I qualify as part of this group now? (but do I want to be a part of a grope that would have me as a member?))) have millenialized. Congrats, Katrina.
Jeebus help me, but "ear" was not the next word I was expecting to read.
And this one time, at band camp...
but do I want to be a part of a grope that would have me as a member?
Are you trying to say something here, billy?
*runs away in total fear...* ;.
Well, I do wonder at times. Not like I have not been a downer in much of my posting for a while. Whatever. Late here and not much sleep, should never post when fragile.
cicely | April 3, 2010 6:08 PM:
Most modern coffee makers can be programmed to start at a specific time. Set it to start shortly before your alarm goes off, so that your coffee is done right about the time the alarm goes off. Then, each night before you go to sleep, grind the beans and load the coffee maker with grounds and water. That way you'll have the smell of coffee to help get you out of bed. (Actually, a programmable coffee maker is the closest thing to an alarm I have ever used during my adult life.) And you could do like my brother used to do, and put the coffee maker and a mug next to the bed, so all you need to do is sit up, and pour yourself some.
uh, if you don't like coffee, maybe you should drink tea, matte, chocolate milk, or some caffeinated beverage?
I see things are going on as usual, even though this thread has gone on and on and on and on. Well, the power went out at 8:30 am Friday, still nothing today. We went to get a generator, got the very last one. Turns out that the snowstorm took out about a thousand towers from Glen Ullin to Jamestown. My husband took a photo of one today, damn thing is completely crumpled.
Looks like we'll be without power for at least two weeks. With the generator, we have fridge, freezer, two laptops, two small lamps and heat going. No hot water. Oy. What fun.
there was a snowstorm? all we got was rain...
no hot water for 2 weeks sounds like not showering for two weeks :-p
Try adding dah middle of winter, -40 ℉ wind chill, and pump powered hot water heat like we had one time in dah UP...
210 coming up soon ...
Meanwhile, in Illinois, we had two straight days in the eighties.
Good luck getting through the storm, Caine.
Jadehawk, yeah, a bad one. Started Thursday, went on into Friday. High winds, ice, and really wet, slushy snow. Towers are out for 150 miles or so, in the opposite direction of Minot. I think the power crews have been busy trying to get at least part of Bismarck back on power. It's going to be a long while before they get to us. Yeah, the hot water thing is no big deal; give me heat any day. Thankfully, we were set up with emergency heat, so no freezing took place.
Nerd, been in that kind of weather plenty. It always pays to have back up heat systems of some sort when you live in a place that has weather.
Thanks, Janine. We'll be fine, some power is better than none. We have the important things like tea, chocolate, booze, smokes. ;D
I wouldn't mind a couple of days in the 80s. Not at all. Well, the husband needs the internet for a while, I'll be back later.
wow, guess we got lucky up here.
eww, no. if it could be like last year, with temperatures rarely getting out of the 70's, I'll be very very happy.
Just remember... we're not important people.
Now peace! :D:D:D .... XD
Do we know why PZ hasn't put a bullet into the head of this post and magic zombied up a new one? I'm having serious difficulties loading it.
Well, folks, you won't have Ol' 'Tis to kick around any more.
The boat's finally in the water. I went for a sail today. I'll be sailing pretty well every weekend when the weather's good.
Yeah, at work, with a early '90s computer, this thread is dah slows. At home, with a real computer, no problems.
Ol'Greg - "Just remember... we're not important people."
Ah, but you are and I used this place as a lifeline once upon a time, but now I am on the shore. Times change, do they not? Evolve. Adapt and adopt. :)
But peace is a good idea. Nite Ol'Greg and other good people.
Vampires sneer at garlic powder. You have to use real garlic, in cloves, to deal with vampires.
Janine, Mistress Of Foul Mouth Abuse, OM
Yes, I am. What I am trying to say to this whole grope is that I cannot type.
Katrina: An attempt at humour -- you were commenter #1000 so you millieniumalized this ittereation of the thread.
Wait. Some of you live in North Dakota and you are surprised when it snows? For Pete's sake, it is only April. You've got two more months of possible snow.
Nite JeffreyD. Sleep well.
Enough said...
snow is possible all year 'round, actually. nah, I was just surprised that Caine got a snowstorm, and all we got was a bit of rain and wind. I even walked to the coffeeshop and back, in my spring jacket.
Meanwhile, in Illinois, we had two straight days in the eighties
And I did not pack well for that kind of weather in Chicago the last few days.
My mommy told me not to put beans in my...
In other news, I'm posting this from Mont Ste Anne. Notes:
1. Runs = rocky.
2. Boarding in t-shirt and shorts = sweet.
3. Flirtatious lifties = flattering (and also sorta sweet).
4. Kids = insane.
5. Beer = good.
6. Martinis = adequate.
7. Posting to massive thread o' doom from smartphone = challenging.
(/Further bulletins as events warrant.)
Alan B #951
British and American ketchup (aka catsup) are identical.
Ketchup is good on hamburgers, is a useful condiment with french fries/chips, and is excellent for disguising the flavor of lima beans. However it is not acceptable as a spaghetti (or any other pasta) sauce. It's much too vinegary for that purpose.
I was? Oh, lookey that! I was! Yay me!
Thanks for pointing that out. I was too busy multitasking to notice.
On tonight's menu:
- Pot roast beef (braised in onion/mushroom soup and a bottle of Guinness)
- garlic and lemon roasted fingerling potatoes
- whatever vegetable gets pulled out of the freezer and steamed
- Caesar salad
Catsup is too sweet I think for pasta sauce. If you want instant sauce there are actually some decent brands. They can be a little $$$ I think a jar of good sauce is maybe $6 here, but they're good to have on hand for times when you just need to throw something together quickly. Look for something with things like tomato, mushroom, garlic in the ingredients and not corn syrup.
I dunno because when I'm alone I can eat off of one bowl of rice for three days so I tend to just buy those little gelatinous rice cakes with meaty stuff (lotus paste) in them from the asian grocery and some of those thick Indian sweets, a few cans of black beans and onions and jalepenos. This... this was my diet for years. Hey, kept me thin and active!
Ahhhh...Ol'Greg has discovered my food snobbery. Catsup? Bullshit. Never! I eat Heinz Ketchup or no tomato sauce at all. I pack the shit when I do field work because it is unobtainable in some parts of the world.
Katrina: I never thought of lemon on potatoes. I always use rosemary, garlic (big surprise), onions and pepper.
Oh, but I should say I have a real prejudice because I have always hated the taste of catsup. Always. I also don't like American french fries. I do like large fried potato wedges though. Just not those thin deep fried ones. Uck.
Paul's Borracho Beans (Mexican "Drunken Beans")
(The optional ingredient epazote is a leafy herb that's a carminative and reduces fartiness of starches like beans, as well as a flavoring; you can find it at Mexican markets.)
1 lb dried pinto beans
(optional) 1 tablespoon dried epazote (or 2 sprigs fresh if you find it)
1 large or 2 smallish onions, chopped
18 oz dark beer (a beer and a half)
3 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons tomato paste (or about a can of diced tomatoes?)
4 jalapenos, deseeded and minced
6 cloves garlic, minced or pressed
1 1/2 to 2 bouillon cubes
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon dried oregano
3-4 T lemon or lime juice
(optional) 1/2 teaspoon liquid smoke
1 1/2 teaspoons black pepper or to taste
1 teaspoons salt or to taste
(optional) large handful or more of fresh cilantro leaves, chopped
(optional) sour cream
1. Rinse beans several times, soak overnight, rinse again (getting rid of oligosaccharides that promote farting)
2. Put beans in large saucepan, with water to cover plus a bit more, heat to a boil and boil for for 5 minutes; don't put in too much water because you'll be adding beer.
3. Add epazote (if using); reduce heat, cover, and simmer beans for 20 minutes
4. Add 2/3 of the chopped onion, beer, bouillon cubes, tomato paste, olive oil, jalapenos, garlic, onion, cumin and oregano, and liquid smoke (if using), heat to a boil, then turn down to low.
5. Cover again and simmer on low until tender (another half hour to an hour?)
6. Add (optional) cilantro, lemon or lime juice, and salt and pepper to taste
Serve garnished with the reserved fresh chopped onion, more cilantro if desired, maybe a dollop of sour cream
It's a new recipe. I'll let you know how it goes.
For a simple spaghetti sauce, just open a couple of cans of diced tomatoes, pour them into a pan with olive oil, add as much minced garlic as you like, then sprinkle with Italian seasoning. Let it simmer while you heat the water for the pasta. It will be done when your pasta is.
If you want to get "fancy" add some hot pepper flakes and capers.
Neapolitan pasta sauce tends to have very few ingredients - maybe only 3 or 4.
Thanks Jadehawk. I'm going to try to sprout some beans now. :)
I thought you were in ND, not dah UP. I have a Redhead painting in my library/computer room inspired by snow on July 4th in dah UP.
Ah, mac & cheese. Never tried it with Monterey jack, but I'll try it. I usually mix in some pepper jack.
Katrina: I never thought of lemon on potatoes. I always use rosemary, garlic (big surprise), onions and pepper.
Wow, what a succinct summation of the conservative philosophy. That really explains some of the more heated exchanges I have had with some of my conservative acquaintances. :)
Chicago is impossible to pack for year-round. Thanks to that damn lake, the weather seems to change by the hour sometimes.
Damn, a snowstorm like that in March! I'm glad to hear you have the important things, though :)
The potatoes were OK. The lemon was a nice touch, but will try it next time with less lemon juice added. The fingerlings were more steamed than roasted, so not as flavorful as I would have expected. Now that I've tried the original recipe, I will have to experiment with it.
You have taken advantage of my absence to EXCEED THE ALLOWED LIMITS OF THE THREAD! Horrible things may now happen.