If I had any free time to read right now…

…the book I would pick up is China Miéville's Kraken(amzn/b&n/abe/pwll). Read the review.

But I have no time. Bye bye.


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A few disclaimers: I do get kickbacks from affiliate programs when you purchase books after clicking through those links. If you'd rather not fund a perfidious atheist's book addiction, just look up the titles at your preferred source—I don't mind. This list is not a thinly-veiled attempt to get…

epic exercise in cephalopunk eschatology and fundamentalist gang warfare

Well, I'm in.

Sadly not out here for another month. I'm tempted to order a European copy, but as a bookstore employee, I think I'd feel too guilty.

You might want to check out the rest of his work, too: it's got avian , amphibian, insectoid and cacti humanoids (Bas-Lag books), or deals with pinko-commi-social-liberal ideas in oppressive city states (all of them). The City & the City is one of my all-time favorite books!

By stereodax (not verified) on 04 May 2010 #permalink

If there were gods, China Miéville would be one.

if you had any free time, you might also want to look into Peter Watts' rifters trilogy. a mite on the depressing, end-of-the-world-is-nigh-hooray side, but crackling good reads with decent deep sea hard sci-fi background (and how often do you see that?).

By nomen-nescio.m… (not verified) on 04 May 2010 #permalink

Sounds great.

If the book is as well-written as this review by Thomas M. Wagner, then I'm sure it will be worth reading.

By SaintStephen (not verified) on 04 May 2010 #permalink

Sounds interesting.... As I average 2-3 books a week I'll add this to the list!

By https://me.yah… (not verified) on 04 May 2010 #permalink

China Miéville is the only person brave enough to tell us the horrible truth about giraffes.

By Darren Garrison (not verified) on 04 May 2010 #permalink

Reading Perdido Street Station right now from him. Fantastic and wrenching book

Love China Miéville's work. Thanks for the heads- up on the new one. Now to get my local library to pick it up....

By ursulamajor (not verified) on 04 May 2010 #permalink

I sense that the advice may be a little tiny bit biased... even so, no Kindle edition, no read.

By One Furious Llama (not verified) on 04 May 2010 #permalink

I'll be on the outer here to say I'm not a big fan of Miéville's work. I didn't mind King Rat and I quite liked Un Lun Dun, but I couldn't get into Perdido Street Station at all. I ended up skimming the last two thirds of it, just to find out how it ended, and didn't bother with the sequal.

By neon-elf.myope… (not verified) on 04 May 2010 #permalink

I recently read The City and the City on a recommendation. It was the first of Miéville's books that I read and I'm now TOTALLY up for more.
This sounds delicious.

I can't imagine why you recommended it PZ, but to reciprocate, I'd like to recommend "Salvation in Death" by J.D. Robb (a pseudonym of Nora Roberts), which is the 27th in a series of police detective novels set in and after the year 2059. This one starts with a Catholic priest being murdered during a requiem mass, poisoned taking communion. You'd enjoy the hero of the series Eve Dallas referring to "the cracker", and wanting to take the leftovers for examination, to the consternation of the other priests.

By waynerobinson4 (not verified) on 04 May 2010 #permalink

Miéville is an ultra-smart writer. Sadly, I'm not ultra-smart anymore (if I ever were) and I had a tough time understanding the first few chapters of The City and the City. I'm glad I persisted; by the time the inevitable ending arrived, I was sad to leave that odd world.
I can hardly wait for this new book. I'll be first in line at the library.

Now I'll have to read The City and the City. Found it hard to get into Perdido St. Station at first, but glad I stuck it through to the end.

By MetzO'Magic (not verified) on 04 May 2010 #permalink

no Kindle edition, no read.

Do you also forego music that can't be downloaded on your ipod? Do you ignore Art you can't download on your laptop? It hadn't occurred to me to use technology to limit my access to information.

Get yourself down to a good second hand bookshop and discover the joy of serendipitously finding a great book you didn't know about for less than the price of a kindle download.

Q.E.D. I can't speak for OFL but for myself I only read digital editions. Yup, this limits my choices especially because I live in Australia and the antiquated rules on regional publishing mean I can't buy anything from US publishers.

So, why do I limit myself? First because I live in a small town with no bookstore.

Second, because I have trouble justifying the resources used to produce the books I read. I think that the resources and energy I use over the life of my ebook reader will be far less than those used to get a paper copies into my hands. This is a mere assertion of course, I could very well be wrong about this. If anyone has actual numbers I'd be very grateful to see them.

Third, I managed a used bookstore for almost 20 years. In any given used bookstore I walk into I'll know at least half the overall stock and an overwhelming majority of the books in my preferred genres. It was always a problem in the store I ran to get titles that we had never seen before. Despite the millions of books published each year only a very few trickle down to the used market. I have much better luck finding new reads on-line.

Obviously I'm a unique case, but you're making a bunch of assumptions about OFL that might not be warranted.

By FossilFishy (not verified) on 04 May 2010 #permalink

Korean restaurant's live Octopus dish has animal rights activists squirming

Great ... Now I have to fucking eat it at some point. Thank you very much.

By Sili, The Unkn… (not verified) on 04 May 2010 #permalink

OFL, FossilFishy: Hello, there is a Kindle edition. Click the Amazon link and you'll see it listed.

By austinfilm (not verified) on 04 May 2010 #permalink

Sounds like PZ is daydreaming about being the heroic protagonist in this story.

By s.d.mortimer (not verified) on 04 May 2010 #permalink

austinfilm, Hello to you too and thanks for that. Mind you, I've a Bebook rather than a Kindle. When I bought it the Kindle wasn't available in Australia. I'm also a little ambivalent about Miéville's work. I've enjoyed some and struggle with others. I think I'll wait until it comes down in price.

By FossilFishy (not verified) on 05 May 2010 #permalink

You post about ten times more than anyone else I read. How do you do it?