Bradley Byrne is apparently the front runner in the Republican race for nomination in the Alabama gubernatorial campaign. His opponents have put up this ad against him.
What horrible things has Byrne done, the mere statement of which is sufficient to horrify Alabamans? "Byrne supported teaching evolution....said the Bible was only partially true". It's so open and so much taken for granted that stating truths are violations of conservative principles…it's just crazy.
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sounds like an alright republican to me.
its weird how seeing someone defamed by your enemies automatically makes you (me) feel some solidarity with them.
Oh you know Mr. Roy "Ten Commandments" Moore is one of the Republican challengers, right?
I'm more offended at the part that he thinks there's a part that is true in that muddy book!
Oh, wow. Alabama can't really be that bad... can it?
Oh no, "the Bible is only partially true" what a horrible thing to say. *Rolls eyes* This is why they lose elections. They fail to realize that a substantial portion of the American population isn't dumb enough to believe that every ridiculous statement in the Bible is true.
They should have tried to tell it honestly, that Byrne supported teaching science.
And, well, Michelle, there is truth in the Bible, including some rather routine history. But I understand your objection, since any truth is tied up with a bunch of nonsense (is anything in it "all true"?).
Glen D
As a resident of Alabama who happens to be a reasonable person, this kind of crap is always humiliating. I want to defend my home: parts of Alabama aren't that bad (especially the cities), but then some fundie group with Revelations stuck so far up their ass it's replaced much of their central nervous systems tapes a commercial like this.
What would Jesus do? Jesus would bitch slap Bradley Byrne. That's what Jesus would do. Mr. Bryne needs to learn his place. The bible is true, and where it's not true it's a metaphor and those metaphors are true. Jesus loved guns, low taxes, babies, off-shore drilling and America. It's in the bible.
Sasquatch Jesus.
alright republican
I would feel sorry for Byrne, but in each of his campaign commercials he emphasizes how great a role his faith in God plays in his life. He has really played up the "I'm such a good Christian" thing in an attempt to win over the redneck vote. So, imo, he's getting what he deserves. Politicians need to learn that if you are gonna wear you faith on your sleeve in the South, that faith had better be Baptist and not Episcopalian. You need to believe that dinosaurs rode on the backs of humans and that the nigra is descended from the cursed Ham.
I find it interesting that Republicans now run "negative" campaign ads that, instead of attacking something universally seen as negative, simply show things that the candidate ought to be justly proud (or at least unashamed) of. There's a website attacking Lee Fischer, the Democrat running for the U.S. Senate from Ohio that says things like: "Supports gay marriage!" (read with evil voice-over tone). I looked at the site and though, yeah, Lee Fisher's my guy. At the same time it scares me that in Alabama they think more people will oppose than support him based on his belief in evolution.
I suppose Alabama conservatives really just want George Wallace back.
... and none of Byrne's parents or grandparents are siblings!
Librul basterd!
Wait, Byrne's is an idiot. Evolution doesn't explain the origin of life. It explains the diversity of life. What a tool.
What would Jesus do, you ask, Holytape?
Why, isn’t it obvious? Jesus would eat Mr. Bryne’s braaaaaaaaaains.
Oh, wait…he already has….
EAC Memographer
BAAWA Knight of Blasphemy
``All but God can prove this sentence true.''
Watching ads for conservative candidates in Alabama has always been tough. This year it's worse than ever. An excerpt from another candidate's ad bragging about his conservativism: "Today in Birmingham driver's test is available in twelve languages. I wonder: why? This is Alabama, and we speak English here. Want to live here - learn it! And it will save money, too. (really?) By the way, in Montgomery the test is available in English only" The guy is from Montgomery, and finds this fact quite suitable to promote himself. Okay, close the doors and have fun speaking one language and reading only one book your entire life.
He used to be a Democrat. What more do you need to know? I love this commercial. (Byrne and his opponents are all opportunists.)
Former democrat...
Is it some sort of veiled criticism of the dixiecrats who switched party during the civil rights era and molded Lincoln's party into what it is now?
Naaaaaaaw, that would be too subtle.
rainbow jeremy@10:
You mean we can't just send in Francis Collins and Ken Miller to speak nicely to them? I'm shocked.
Lolewhin (#7): Agreed. Though, I'm from Tuscaloosa and it isn't much better there. Even the UA campus is very conservative (my oasis of intelligence was the biology department). I saw this ad several days ago and couldn't help but laugh (cry?). These people know they won't get elected if they DON'T talk about God. These ads are [rightfully] causing national publicity that's not only humiliating for those of us rational Alabamians, but also can be highly offensive at times. I'm referring to those like Keith Olbermann--who I usually like--who mock the Southern accent (e.g. in Tim James's "English-only" ad) without even addressing the issues at all. That's just juvenile.
1) "Evolution best explain the origins of life"... no, it does not.
2) " of the bible are true" ... I can't imagine what parts.
It seems to me that liberal or conservative, everyone's a wingnut out there.
This is a perfect example of how idiocy, ignorance and anti-intellectualism has become mainstream in USA.
If I were you I would be very worried.
Because misunderstanding biology is critical to being a conservative.
That reminds me of those other flaming left wing liberals who believe in evolution, like Ayn Rand and Penn Gillette.
Well, luckily I am going to teach Population Genetics at U Alabama next year, so I'll solve everything!
I kind of agree with rainbow jeremy. If you're going to run as a republican (especially deep down in Dixie), you need to understand that there's always someone crazier than you in the primaries. You cannot and will not appease the fundies in Dixie if you're even slightly sympathetic towards science, equality or progress, and if you slip to that direction, there's always a huge army of dittoheads and Confederate kooks ready to vote for a bigger loudmouth and bigot.
For a redneck ad, though, I must admit I'm kind of impressed by how it looks. It's like someone taught the special kid in Deliverance animation and gave him moonshine in return for an ad.
Which campus? I'm afraid most of the students in your population genetics class will be not Alabamians
And yes, conservative ads here look like a competion in stupidity, the worse - the better
Byrne gets blasted for "believing in evolution" when he apparently doesn't understand what evolution is about.
And in this case it is Roy Moore.
I'm guessing races in Alabama are much like those in Mississippi; you have a Republican candidate, and a Republican candidate that tries to get the black vote by calling himself a Democrat.
What was hilarious in the last Mississippi race for a new senator when Trent Lott resigned was hilarious. Roger Wicker and Ronnie Musgrove basically walked around a table yelling it was the other's fault for every single point of discussion. They were pretty much ideologically identical.
Imagine that. Getting elected by pandering to the ignorance of your future constituents. What will they think of next?
"Bradley Byrne was never abducted by aliens, hasn't spoken to Elvis in almost three years, and is a friggin Pisces, for Gods's sake!"
Well come on, did you expect them to only partially deny reality.
Yet another reason to be glad my mother got out of that hellhole state long enough to raise me in a more civilized spot.
When either one of them is running for governor, I'll worry about it. Until then, what's your point?
That's just...insane. It actually promotes stereotypical Alabamans to actual Alabamans and in a way that makes me think of Dukes of Hazzard! I mean, come on, a and banjo music?!
Compasionate ConservatismTM at work.
there is not enough coffee in the world for this to become palatable. I'm scarred for life now.
Well, at least saying that the Bible is only partially true is only partially false. :P
Matter of fact, would Ayn Rand even count as left wing? I mean, Libertarians aren't exactly whinging lefty pinkos, now, are they?
Another non-typical Alabamian here...
What's funny is that Byrne tried to repair the damage by stating that "every word of the bible is true" in several press conferences.
What's sad is that he probably does believe that evolution is true, but knows that admitting it is political suicide in this backward state.
Perhaps with the right framing of the message they would be willing to be more accommodating to those who are clearly going to hell, yet still insist on trying to govern this Christian nation.
I'm more offended at the part that he thinks there's a part that is true in that muddy book! - Michelle R.
Of course there is! It says Yahweh cannot defeat iron chariots - and how could a figment of the imagination defeat even a wooden chariot?
#41, which brand of libertarians are we talking about? The conservative wing, which is indistinguishable from mainstream Republicans? The minarchist wing, who think a weak government and strong military is a good idea? The objectivist wing, who would install Ayn Rand as a god to be worshipped day and night? The anarchist wing, who want a giant free-for-all? The socialist wing (libertarian socialism), who are just plain weird?
I thought I used to know what that word meant. Now, it just seems to mean, "I don't want to be associated with the popular parties."
Posted by: Jadehawk, OM | May 10, 2010 4:32 PM
there is not enough coffee in the world for this to become palatable. I'm scarred for life now.
At least it got him off cephalopods for a while. Imagine if he could have found a way to twist this topic into a post about squid!!
Worthless creatures, only animals with a good, solid backbone deserve to be cared about!
Evolution Should Be Taught In Schools Because It Is Science. Creationism Is Not Science!
@Ckitching: None of them. Ayn Rand HERSELF. The dead chick.
My favorite Alabama story is from taking my Jewish husband to church at my grandfather's pentacostal church during the first gulf war. Not only were they all thrilled at having a real live Jew in their midst, the sermon involved speculation about whether the rapture was due any moment because of the tribulations of Israel, to wit, "the Iranian Studs Raining Down on the Land of Israel." I still have visions of Borats, gold medals nesting in the abundant chest hair, unbuttoned polyester shirts, zooming in like Superman onto Tel Aviv. We managed to keep our faces straight, figuring that too much laughing wasn't safe when you were 3 dirt roads off of the nearest paved road.
#46:"Worthless creatures, only animals with a good, solid backbone deserve to be cared about!"
When the cephalopods rise up to become our new Overlords, I, for one, will use this statement to meet my monthly quota of traitors exposed for the new regime.
I went digging for info on the "True Republican PAC" so I could at least send them a snide email, but several items turned up purporting that this campaign is at least partially attributable to a dirty tricks campaign from Alabama Democrats, and has been financed by the state teachers' union. There may be some strange-bedfellows stuff going on.
# 25
Got a faculty position at Tuscaloosa.
in fairness to the makers of this ad, they are correct in critisizing the statement: "evolution . . . best explains the origin of life."
evolution has nothing to say about abiogenesis. byrne is an idiot.
There are not too many graduate students from Alabama here (I'm at U of Al - Bham, research faculty position). So unfortunately teaching of population genetics will miss those who needs some enlightment most of all. Same thing, there are many progressives concentrated around University campuses, but significant part of them does not vote (at least yet). Alabamians who vote for such idiots as in the ad humiliate all of us.
There are several freethinkers groups in Bham, in North Al and West Al, if you'll be looking for them as a newcomer. And best of luck with your new job.
Partially true? Which part of the bible is partially true? That's like saying "The Lion and the Mouse" is partially true.
True Republican PAC, P.O. Box 480995, Linden, Alabama 36748?
Something is up - I lived in Linden, my grandmother is still there, and there's not 2000 people in the city, much less a post office needing 480995 or more mail boxes.
Hey, c'mon, there's all kinds of partially true stuff in the bible!
God is like laundry soap
Malachi 3:2
sounds right to me
It's a bad idea to drink so much wine with your neighbors that they take their clothes off.
Habbukuk 2:15
Unless you live next to a young Catherine Zeta-Jones or equivalent, so, partially true.
God is like mildew. Either that or a bug.
Hosea 5:12
sounds right to me either way
If you want to be as holier than your peers, don't let them wear your clothes
Ezekiel 44:19
we've all seen this happen
The way to heal is not by laying on hands - Jeebus did it by spitting
Mark 7:33;6:23; John 9:6-7
i know MY spit has asceptic properties
Comment by John B Hodges:
Just a nitpick on #22... I was a fanatic Objectivist for a year, and studied Rand's philosophical writings for about ten years, and I never found anything to indicate that she believed in the theory of evolution. Or even that she knew of it. She seems to get her understanding of biological life from Aristotle. Her ethical theory starts with the assertion that living things act to preserve their individual lives. I have tried pointing out to Objectivists that, according to modern biology, living things typically (in the great majority of cases) act to preserve their genes, not their individual lives as such, beyond the point where preserving their lives would further the preservation of their genes. I tell them that most living things put a lot of time, effort, resources, and risk-taking behavior toward reproduction, which has no apparent benefit for their individual longevity. They have steadfastly rejected my efforts.
"Once upon a time, there was a mighty lion" is reasonably true.
The money trail for this attack ad goes back to the Alabama Education Association - see here.
there's not 2000 people in the city, much less a post office needing 480995 or more mail boxes.
If you look closely, something about the zip and the box number might jump out at you.
Namely, the first two numbers of the box are the last two digits of the ZIP code. The remaining four numbers are for the boxes at the station, from 1 up to 9995 or so.
Not every station does this, but many in the post ZIP+4 era do. It makes it easier for the machines to sort the mail. How long has that particular post office been there, BTW? I'd bet since the 80s, no earlier.
I posted on this before and I'll do it again. The Creation Museum is in Kentucky, the Dover debacle occurred in Pennsylvania, Kansas board of education tried to bring creationism into the curriculum there, the Disco Tute is in Seattle Washington, Minnesota sends Michelle Bachmann to Washington, Palin was governor of Alaska, Michael Egnor teaches in New York. I could go on and on and on. Alabama has no monopoly on stupid, so look in the mirror before you bash the whole state.
As any regular reader here can vouch, I'm the first to jump down someone's through for the geographical stereotyping of the South and Southerners. However, I don't see it in this thread. Sure some shots are being taken at particular groups but i don't see the typical "Well what did you expect, it's Alabama (or the south or South Carolina etc...)".
Rev. BigDumbChimp - How about rereading #49 for starters.
There is actually a place called Rome.
Other people are stupid, too. So what's your point?
Yes it's a personal anecdote of someone with family ties in Alabama. Granted one could take it as a comment on all Alabamians, but I don't see it that way especially considering she is talking about her Grandfather's church. I've been to churches similar to that that my family members belong to in North Carolina. They do actually exist.
I have plenty of other personal anecdotes about back-road locations in SC, TN, GA, NC, WY, CO, NY, UT, MT, WA and a number of other states I've visited that are full of dumb ass rednecks. As much as I'd like to deny the fact that dumb ass or ignorant red necks exist in the south, they do.
That was not a indictment of all Southerners or all places in the South.
The important fact is that most if not all southerners are not like that and claiming they are is factually wrong and ignorant and using geographical stereotypes claiming so to try and make a point just makes the speaker come off like a dumbass.
Trust me, hang around here long enough and you'll see real instances of people making the claims you are worried about. I don't see it here... so far.
Bradley Byrne is the most confused politician. His response to the attacks is that he believes in creationism, " I fought to ensure the teaching of creationism," and "every single word" of the Bible is true. Dumbass. Take a compliment when you're handed one, even if it's not true.
As David pointed out above (#51), current digging shows that this was paid for by the Alabama teachers' union (AEA, which does NOT tend Republican), and the xenophobic Republican heir candidate (Tim James).
The fact that the AEA is paying for this is probably the death sentence for Alabama schools. It's a shame, I got a high school and a couple of good college degrees from Alabama public schools.
What in the world makes you think that I was speaking of all Alabama citizens? There are surely plenty of fools where I live now, and there are plenty of admirable and sane people in Alabama. I told the story about my family's church to illustrate the type of belief and education of the electorate that makes it necessary for politicians to yammer incessantly about the Bible.