People are still asking me to come speak at various places, and I'm just going to have to put my foot down. Here's my calendar for the next few months:
Vancouver, BC on 30 July
Fargo, ND atheist convention on 17-20 September
Cheribourg, Quebec for RiboClub on 20-22 September
Montreal, AAI convention on 1-3 October
LA, Secular humanism conference on 7-10 October (I'll be on a panel with Chris Mooney, discussing accommodation vs. confrontation. Uh-oh.)
Mexico City on a date in October to be determined
London, The Amazing Meeting, on 16-17 October
Springfield, Missouri for Skepticon III on 19-20 November
Seattle, possibly, sometime in November
And that's it. I'm pleased that I managed to keep this time right around now free to get some work done, and then there's a flurry of European travel in mid- to late June, and August is free so I can get prepared for teaching. But otherwise, that's it, I'm staying home. I'm discouraging everyone from sending me more invitations until the Spring term. If you really want me to visit Miami or Hawaii in February, I might be coaxed out of my hermitage, but that's it.
Don't complain, I know I'm turning into a regular J.D. Salinger here. Now go away and leave me alone.
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