Huffpo. Creationist. Nazis. Mix together and flush.

I cannot stand the Huffington Post, that bastion of Newage folly. I really despise the Intelligent Design creationists. So when Huffpo gives space to creationist cretins, I'm done with them. Even worse, it's an idiot creationist parroting the same old story, that Hitler was Darwin's fault. I'll mention just one paragraph of this dishonest bunk.

Hitler's ideas, Dr. Berlinski carefully notes, "came from many different sources but no honest account will omit Darwin." A reading of Mein Kampf makes that clear. Certainly, Berlinski says, the men who formulated Nazi ideology "weren't reading the Gospels."

Here you go, a link to Mein Kampf on Project Gutenberg. Go to town. Search for Darwin — nothing. Or evolution — that is there, but only used in the sense of "higher" and "lower" organisms, and some bizarre notion that nature abhors crossbreeding. God is all over the book, as is Christianity, even if we do grant that Hitler is pushing an idiosyncratic version of that cult.

If you really want to find the roots of Nazism, look to Houston Stewart Chamberlain, author of the "gospel of the Nazi movement", who hated Darwinism. No honest account will omit Chamberlain…but then, the Discovery Institute writes no honest account.

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