The Bible Belt can never improve if everyone refuses to question religion

This is appalling. This video of a supposedly secular high school biology classroom will show you what we're up against.

These students are simply expressing uninformed incredulity — they can't imagine how anything could have evolved. And the incompetent apologist of a teacher, who is sympathetic to creationism himself, isn't doing his job, which is to explain to them exactly how biology explains these phenomena. Instead, he makes excuses: "How could I say to a student, 'your ideas are trash'?"

It's not hard. One student at the end says this:

How can like an African-American person evolve from a white person? We're different skin.

Hey, student! Your ideas are trash!

So's your teacher if he can't address these trivial questions. You must be able to tell your students when they are wrong if you're going to teach at all.

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