Texas Board of Education: Hey, that's an awfully big beam in your eye

I don't know how they do it. The Texas BOE has a new 'controversy' to fret over:

At a three-day meeting that started Wednesday, the board is scheduled to consider a resolution that would require it to reject textbooks that it determines are tainted with teaching "pro-Islamic, anti-Christian half-truths and selective disinformation," a bias that it argues is reflected in current schoolbooks.

I really missed the public school education in Islam — we never learned much of anything about anything outside the borders of the US, I'm afraid. And I rather doubt that in the current political climate that Islam is suddenly getting a lot of positive press in school textbooks. This is just another stunt by the kooks running the educational system in Texas, who would regard a statement mentioning that Muslims exist and they also happen to be human beings as a disgusting slam against True 'Murcans™.

They should worry more about the pro-Christian, anti-science half-truths and selective disinformation that are promoted by the fundamentalist/evangelical movement.

But of course, if you want the actual story, ignore the idiots at the BOE: the Texas Freedom Network has documented the falsehoods in their claims, and is following the hearings.

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