But some are arguing with me

I already pointed to a couple of arguments against my assertion that there can be no evidence for god, so now I'll mention that there are a few taking my side: Salty Current and Diaphanitas. Whew. It was feeling kind of lonely.

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So, what 'scientific' test is there that would prove God exists?

It's irrelevant because even if He chose to jump up and down at your request, it wouldn't cause you to believe in Him. In spite of all the miracles that many of the disciples witnessed, many or them never believed either:
âFrom that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more.â
John 6:66

No, you have all you need in His creation for you to know He exists, but you're blinded by your pride and think that you're a good person. What would your friends and family say if they saw your thoughts on a billboard?

Let's test to see if the process of Evolution exists. What is the specific force, cause, or mechanism (other than ânothingâ âevolutionâ âself-assemblyâ or ânatureâ) for the origin of the universe, origin of life, and common descent? Without one, the Theory of Evolution is nothing short of being supernatural, i.e. something attributed to a power that seems to violate or go beyond natural forces. It cannot be substantiated, therefore, does NOT exist.

See the below quotes (from http://whoisyourcreator.com/ :

âThe universe is flat. It has zero total energy and it could have begun from nothing ...
If you have nothing in quantum mechanics, you'll always get something. It's that simple.â
Theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss, âA Universe From Nothingâ, October 21, 2009, Atheist Alliance International event.
(Selected quote begins 40:33 into video)

âBecause there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist.â
Professor Stephen Hawking, âStephen Hawking says universe not created by Godâ, September 2, 2010, The Guardian Online.

"The most straightforward way to summarize the importance of this work is to say that this new study demonstrates that complex patterns of connections in the brain are capable of self-organizing with mathematical precision.
In fact, the notion that a complex pattern can appear in a dynamical system without a central authority or planner has been understood, for example, in the field of physics.
However, in the biological sciences, and in the field neuroscience in particular, self-organization as a developmental force seldom has been recognized ..."

âWe proposed that the genetic material could drive the growth of cells just by virtue of being there.â
Jack W. Szostak, âBattle of the Bubbles May Have Sparked Evolutionâ, September 03, 2004, Howard Hughes Medical Institute: Research News.

âNature is very good at building structures but instead of bricks and mortar it uses molecules like proteins and lipids for its building blocks. For instance, a seed can take molecules from the air, soil and water and rearrange them into a tree â¦
Molecules in nature are programmed to arrange themselves in certain ways.â
University of Wisconsin, Madison, âSelf-Assemblyâ, Materials Research Science and Engineering Center website.

Please consider your soul today ...before it's too late.
âIt is appointed unto men once to die, but after this, the Judgment.â
-Hebrews 9:27

By who is your creator (not verified) on 08 Nov 2010 #permalink