Botanical Wednesday: Even this makes me think of snow now


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tags: Lake Victoria Weaver, Victoria Masked-Weaver, Entebbe Weaver, Gambian Black-headed Weaver, Yellow-backed Weaver, Yellow-collared Weaver, Black-headed Weaver, Ploceus melanocephalus, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Black-headed Weaver, also known by numerous other common…
The Scientist has a great write up about deep-sea biologists Victoria Orphan and Shana Goffredi. Victoria Orphan wanted to be a marine biologist ever since kindergarten. She even wrote it down in a Dr. Seuss book called My Book About Me. It still sits in her childhood bedroom, which she had…
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As a native of Victoria - the real one, not that Canadian knockoff - I heartily recommend this wonderfully illustrated blog on Gippsland, in eastern Victoria: Ben Cruachan. Makes me pine for the land of mild weather and lovely wilderness.