Gov. Beshear has been twittered

We have at least a cursory account of the creationist press conference in Kentucky, in which Governor Beshear proudly announced the state's cooperation with Answers in Genesis in promoting lies to children. It's via Twitter, so just read it from bottom to top:

Video of the press conference (Kentucky's Shame) coming soon. Yaba Daba doo!

31 minutes ago

Press conference over. Kentucky has had many humiliating days in its history, but this has to rank near the top

32 minutes ago

I ask if Beshear supports young earth creationism being taught in public schools. He says we're not here to talk about that

35 minutes ago

No rollercoasters!!!

about 1 hour ago

Judge Exwcutive says he agrees with aig's religious beliefs

about 1 hour ago

Flack journalists asking about dimensions of ark. Dude...

about 1 hour ago

I ask if dinosaurs will be in the Ark. Beshear gives icy stare. AiG flack says YES

about 1 hour ago

Beshear says this is all about the bling bling. If they can support Nascar, they can support these nuts

about 1 hour ago

Beahear says it's not unconstitutional

about 1 hour ago

Gushing about how supportive and enthusiastic Beshear and Gov office has been on this project

about 1 hour ago

Answers in Genesis dude says it's "high tech and cutting edge"

about 1 hour ago

Plan is to open Spring 2014, get 1.6 million dolts to visit in first year

about 1 hour ago

Gov here and excited about bringing "Biblical stories" to the bluegrass. Surreal

about 1 hour ago

Still waiting on Steve Beshear and Ken Ham and Fred Flintstone

about 1 hour ago

Answers in Genesis people here saying it's been great working with the Gov. Say Geoff Davis told them he wishes he could be here.

about 1 hour ago

Damon Thayer here. Says he's excited that this is in heart of his district

about 1 hour ago

More wow from the press release:

about 1 hour ago

Press release says Creationist Theme Park will be $150 million to build. Is Dudley Webb in on this?

about 1 hour ago


about 1 hour ago

The press kit:

about 2 hours ago

I bet the governor didn't actually call the AiG flacks "nuts". Although he should have.

And of course dinosaurs will be on the Ark. You can't imagine how fanatical AiG is about their literal interpretation of the Bible: if it says Noah gathered all of the kinds of animals on the Ark, there can be no exceptions, all, including dinosaurs, must be on the Ark.

Ah, Kentucky. We're going to be laughing at you for many years to come.

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