Mary's Monday Metazoan: Let's visit South America!


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Today's image shows the ever-interesting Maned wolf, the so-called 'fox on stilts' Chrysocyon brachyurus, kindly supplied by Anne-Marie of Pondering Pikaia. Anne-Marie studies these animals for her honors thesis. Maned wolves are well known for being predators of large rodents (like pacas) and…
This photograph of a Maned Wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) unfortunately looks as if it were taken in someone's yard, but these South American canids are fascinating all the same. I will tread lightly here as Anne-Marie is the expert round these parts, but there is at least one interesting story to…
Mexican Maned Wolf, from the Endangered Wolf Center
A maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus), photographed at the National Zoo. .