

That's all I can say, beyond little ecstatic grunts and moans.

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Apparently, I was challenged by some functional illiterate who demanded that I address some unstated complaint by 5:30 today, or I will "forever be cast as having no credibility." , and accusing me of hiding some "skeletons". Those skeletons aren't mine, they're the department's, and really, they'…
Wow. That's all I can say. The unreconstituted Led Zeppelin geek in me is amazed. That kid can really channel Jimmy Page.
Wow. I guess time really does fly when you're having fun. In fact, it flies so fast that I don't even notice when a major anniversary (or, if you will, blogiversary). Remember how I've been mentioning that I can't believe it's been almost ten years since I started doing this? I've been droppoing…