Mary's Monday Metazoan: I thought she was talking about me, and just mistyped a ‘t’


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So we've done koalas and cephalopods - let me actually show you something I saw in the wild. This delightful little creature is the thorny devil or moloch, names which sit uneasily with its placid nature. The spines that decorate its body are impressive and provide the lizard with a strong defence…
Australian Geographic The Thorny Devil and I have exactly the same expression right now.
We had a blizzard this week. It's bitterly cold right now. I was trying hard to think of good reasons to have left the Pacific Northwest, and this is about the only thing I came up with: Devil's Club. They're big. They're prickly-spiky-thorny. They're evil. You did not go blindly charging through…
Talk about unique adaptations. Here is a video showing how lungfish and desert frogs are able to survive for years outside of water during periods of drought. The video also shows how thorny devils living in harsh desert environments absorb water through their skin. These adaptations may come in…