Creation “Science” Fair this weekend

Rats, I have to miss it again. The Twin Cities Creation Science wackos are buggering up science and children's education again this weekend with a Creation Pseudo-Science Fair at the Har-Mar Mall, which will be temporarily renamed the Har-Har-Hardy-Har Mall in their honor. I'll be back in Minneapolis on Saturday, but I've already booked the shuttle home to Morris and really don't feel like it's worth rescheduling just so I can see a deadly dull string of poor exhibits assembled by sad kids who will be slapping on bible verses because the rules say they have to and who will "Pray [their] exhibit will witness to non-Christian visitors".

It's just too depressing. Besides, I hear The Black Swan will be playing in Morris this weekend, and I'd rather go be cheered and uplifted by that uplifting and warm tale of human endeavor. Relatively speaking, that is.

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