Christians are morbid ghouls. No one is surprised.

How tasteless, tacky, and dishonest can a Christian get? This will do: selling fictional fantasies about what will happen to people when they're dead.

What's going on? Are all universally saved, after all? Did Richard Dawkins become a Christian? Did he... remain an atheist, and STILL go to heaven? Such questions leap to mind when presented with title of the newest short story collection released by author and Christian apologist Anthony Horvath: "Richard Dawkins, Antony Flew, and Mother Teresa Go to Heaven."

Written over a span of two years, these three short stories detail what happens as each of the individuals come face to face with the reality of life after death. From Mother Teresa, who devoted her life to God but felt abandoned by Him to Antony Flew who vowed to 'follow the evidence,' to Richard Dawkins, who with Bertrand Russell said, "Not enough evidence!" these stories draw from what is known publicly to imagine what would happen in this most private of moments.

I thought to myself that someone who isn't one of the ghouls ought to pick this book up and review it, even though it puts $2.99 into the pocket of a rather repulsive apologist. Since I have a strong stomach, I volunteered myself, and I'll actually review the three stories right here on Pharyngula for you. Not just yet, though…let me draw out the suspense and space them out over a day or two. They won't be drawn out for long, though, because there isn't much to review. These stories aren't particularly substantial, and it's rather appalling that the guy took two years to write such fluff, and is then overcharging everyone by selling them for almost $3.

I will give you an overview right now, though. The author is capable of stringing English words together grammatically and competently…and that's the kindest thing I can say about it. The stories are mostly incoherent and not very bold at all; all but one rely on ambiguity to make a case for their highly fundamentalist, extraordinarily nasty version of heaven. The one that doesn't is poor Richard Dawkins, who I will tell you is not saved, and receives a sanctimoniously cruel eternal punishment.

Oh, I forgot to say: there will be spoilers in my discussion of each story.

My overall impression of the book is that the author basically demonstrates Richard Dawkins' point: their heaven is a hell, and these believers are a vile lot that would turn even paradise into an eternity of disgust.

Anyway, if you were itching to get your hands on this hot and exciting property, you might want to wait a little while until you've seen the full review.


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