Respect the tradition

Today, you may notice people wandering about with strange smudgy marks on their foreheads. You may also know that today is my birthday. And you might be wondering if those two observations are related.

Yes, they are. I traditionally celebrate my birthday by punching god-botherers in the forehead. Some of those people may have been victims of my fists, and are badly bruised. Others, more cunning, put the marks on their heads so that when they see me coming, they can say, "Hey, you already got me!" Either way, the appropriate remark to individuals you see with these smudges is, "I'm sorry, I hope you get better soon."

There are alternative explanations. You can also say "Praise Odin" to them, and point them at the nearest monastery to sack and burn. Another possibility is that they're credulous, brain-damaged nitwits, but I think it's kinder to pretend they've been punched in the head by PZ Myers. It's a gentler, more accommodating belief, and as we all know, tone and sucking up is so important.


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