All right, I want to go to FogCon for just one thing

There's a science fiction convention going on in San Francisco this weekend, and I wish I could attend for this one reading:

Fritz Leiber will be reading from his recently completed work, as well as answering audience questions.

Leiber is one of my all-time favorite authors, which is one reason to attend, but another is this little fact.

Yes, the rest of the con looks good, too.


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For the record, that was part of this set of programming items; note time:

Sunday, 2:00-3:00 A.M. (Interstitial Programming)

A Guided Tour of Veniss Underground
Boiler Room In The Basement

Honoured Guest Jeff VanderMeer leads interested parties down a specially dug tunnel beneath the Holiday Inn to explore the real-life location in which his fictional Veniss Underground was set. Warning: The con does not provide safety gear, weapons, or retrieval services for anyone lost on this expedition.

The Six Magic Words Of Guaranteed Publication
Gold Rush C

Ann VanderMeer will reveal the true secret of getting published: six words that will ensure that, if you include them in your story correctly, you will see print!

Fritz Leiber Reading/Q&A
Room 607, Rhodes Hotel

Fritz Leiber will be reading from his recently completed work, as well as answering audience questions.

Pat Murphy Teaches Wognax Zarbling and Alter-Ego Development
California Room, alter-ego overflow to Washington.

While she admitted in her program signup that she is not a professional Wognax zarbler, she aspires to be, and who doesnât? Sheâll provide her very skilled amateur guidance for those of us who have always wished to zarble Wognaxes (some Wognaxes provided, but feel free to bring your own). Once the Wognaxes are suitably zarbled, Pat will also advice people on how to develop their own alter-egos. Warning: Any alter-egos developed will not be allowed to attend Sunday programming unless they buy a day pass.

It was a spiffy con; totally book oriented (with some comix), fun but serious, serious but fun, and etter than a blast of positrons; it had charm and strangeness from top to bottom. Y'all should come next year!

And this is me, damnit, not that stupid Yahoo code:

Gary Farber
Amygdala & Obsidian Wings
Twitter: @GaryFarberKnows

By https://me.yah… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2011 #permalink

For the record, that was part of this set of programming items; ; note time:

Sunday, 2:00-3:00 A.M. (Interstitial Programming)

A Guided Tour of Veniss Underground
Boiler Room In The Basement

Honoured Guest Jeff VanderMeer leads interested parties down a specially dug tunnel beneath the Holiday Inn to explore the real-life location in which his fictional Veniss Underground was set. Warning: The con does not provide safety gear, weapons, or retrieval services for anyone lost on this expedition.

The Six Magic Words Of Guaranteed Publication
Gold Rush C

Ann VanderMeer will reveal the true secret of getting published: six words that will ensure that, if you include them in your story correctly, you will see print!

Fritz Leiber Reading/Q&A
Room 607, Rhodes Hotel

Fritz Leiber will be reading from his recently completed work, as well as answering audience questions.

Pat Murphy Teaches Wognax Zarbling and Alter-Ego Development
California Room, alter-ego overflow to Washington.

While she admitted in her program signup that she is not a professional Wognax zarbler, she aspires to be, and who doesnât? Sheâll provide her very skilled amateur guidance for those of us who have always wished to zarble Wognaxes (some Wognaxes provided, but feel free to bring your own). Once the Wognaxes are suitably zarbled, Pat will also advice people on how to develop their own alter-egos. Warning: Any alter-egos developed will not be allowed to attend Sunday programming unless they buy a day pass.

It was a spiffy con; totally book oriented (with some comix), fun but serious, serious but fun, and etter than a blast of positrons; it had charm and strangeness from top to bottom. Y'all should come next year!

Fred Pohl blogs here.

And this is me, damnit, not that stupid Yahoo code:

Gary Farber
Amygdala & Obsidian Wings
Twitter: @GaryFarberKnows

By https://me.yah… (not verified) on 14 Mar 2011 #permalink