Free anthropology workshop in Minneapolis!

What a deal. The American Association of Physical Anthropologists is
meeting in Minneapolis next weekend, and they are offering a free, open workshop for teachers on "Fossils, Bones, and Primates: Enriching High School Teaching." I hope our local educators can find time to take it!

The workshop runs from 8:15 to noon on April 16 in the Rochester room
at the Hilton Minneapolis, 1001 Marquette Avenue in Minneapolis.

Featured will be Andrew J. Petto (the editor of Reports of the NCSE
and a member of NCSE's board of directors) speaking on "Primate Clues
to Human Behavior"; Michael Alan Park speaking on "Using the Fossil
Record in Teaching Human Evolution"; Pamela Ashmore and Barbara
O'Connell speaking on "Human Skin Color Variation and Race"; K.
Lindsay Eaves-Johnson and Nancy Tatarek speaking on "Who are you?
Strategies for Presenting Forensic Anthropology and Human Variation in
the Classroom"; and a question-and-answer session led by Briana

Admission to the workshop is free. Registration is recommended; to
register, please get in touch with Martin K. Nickels at or (309) 661-1909.


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