Shhhh. My wife is sleeping in.

Don't raise too loud a ruckus over this news, because I think she'll be cranky enough when she wakes up and reads about the Obedient Wives Club.

A new club in Indonesia that encourages women to be totally obedient to their husbands and focus on keeping them sexually satisfied has generated an outcry from some activists.

The Indonesian branch of the Obedient Wives Club, launched early this month in Malaysia, claims to have about 300 members in several cities. Group leader Gina Puspita said the club would offer its members a package of teachings including how to treat their husbands in bed.

"A wife has to be 100 percent obedient to her husband in all aspects, especially in sexual treatment," she said.

Don't they know that Uppity Wives make the best partners? And how come no one ever promotes an Obedient Husbands Club? After all, if they think subservience is the best and most appropriate behavior for a woman in bed, wouldn't it also be best for the woman if her man also obeyed her every command?

Although I am tempted to march into the bedroom now, and in a booming voice, say "Woman! Fix my breakfast! And your job for today is to be totally focused on keeping me sexually satisfied!" Except I don't want a bowl of oatmeal in my face or to be kicked in the groin.


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