Prepare yourself for a megadose of the awesome

Tonight, at 8pm ET, the cast of The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe will be bracing themselves with caffeine for their overwhelming plan to saturate the world with a non-stop 24 hour live program. I think it's a kind of anti-homeopathy: they'll be delivering a super-concentrated dose of an effective agent all at once to their audience. Tune in and listen, especially since it would be so sad if they were exerting themselves so magnificently to a tiny group of people.

I'm going to try and catch bits and pieces of it. Unfortunately, I'm not insane, so I will be getting more sleep than the SGU rogues, and I'm also going to be off in Fargo for Project 42. And I'm also up to my eyeballs in a grant proposal I must get done this coming week! Maybe listening to Novella in the background will make my writing potent enough to impress the agency administrators.

(Also on FtB)


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