Some students should not go into a health profession

I'm afraid Ben Cochran is one of them. He's a nursing student who wrote a column in a newspaper because he was upset at the time it took for the emergency medical services at his local clinic to help him with his sneezy, phlegmy cold (which, I would have told him, is going to put a low priority on something they can't really treat anyway). He places the blame: the clinic offers women's reproductive services, and they were busy helping a "gaggle of preemie sluts [] get a free pass on harlotry" and treating their "cunt problems".

But he really doesn't have a problem with these women, he says. He just wants to end women's medical services and the distribution of condoms on campus.

I don't take issue with sex mongers. They serve their place. Hell, according to the bible, it's
the oldest known profession on earth. So you sultry sex fiends are clearly established, but
this is a place of higher being. Please take your gaping holes elsewhere for medical services,
and leave the real health issues to those that actually belong on a college campus.

Yeah, he's going to make a greeeeeat nurse. He's already an expert on triage: men with runny noses must be treated before sluts with gynecological issues.

He's going to have a tough time doing the work, though, with all the holes Ema ripped into him.

(Also on FtB)


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