It ought to be up to Americans to decide what is true!

You must watch this episode of the Daily Show — it's all about science. Lisa Randall is on it plugging her new book, Knocking on Heaven's Door (she actually doesn't get to say much about it, but I've ordered it for my iPad anyway — I know what I'll be reading on the plane to New Orleans tomorrow), a good section on the recent confirmation of global warming, and my favorite bit of all, Aasif Mandvi blithely leading a chipper Republican operative to agree with the most egregiously ignorant, anti-science claims.

Mandvi: Why are surgeons the only ones allowed to perform surgeries?
Blithering Republican: Absolutely.
Mandvi: Doesn't make any sense.
BR: It never makes any sense!
Mandvi: and the only other people who can check whether they're manipulating…
BR: are other scientists!

It also features Marty Chalfie defending himself against accusations of rape.

(Also on FtB)

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