Mary's Monday Metazoan: Coral bleaching explained

(via HMMI)


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Hmm...I have a nice mommy monday post all planned out in my head but I don't have tomorrow's lecture started or the discussion paper read or... So I guess we'll all just have to wait. Maybe I'll get it posted later in the week.
It's Wednesday afternoon of my spring break week, and it's time to take stock of my progress. If you recall, my goals were threefold: * I want to make the weeks ahead easier. * I want to come out of the week feeling like I accomplished something. * I want to spend some time outside.…
An interesting reaction shot from last night's debate: (via Kobra) What do you think? Is this what McCain will be remembered for? (via the Minnesota Independent)
Lookie what came in to my e-mail box overnight after yesterday's post about the hypotrichosis treatment, Latisse® brand of bimatoprost. Hmm...I have a few ideas who might have sent this (no profanity, so it wasn't Comrade PhysioProf). And very interesting that this comes just a week before FDA…