Friday Cephalopod: Not an omelet

What a squid egg mass looks like if you step back a bit:

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Divers discovered this gigantic transparent blob floating in the sea off the Turkish coast. What could it be? It looks like that's a squid egg mass, containing millions of eggs and embryos, drifting deep in the ocean until it hatches out, releasing a vast swarm of tiny predators in one…
Yesterday's [21 November 2005] post about squid had a most unsatisfying conclusion, so I feel compelled to mention two things: squidblog has a brief explanation of squid jet propulsion, and I've dug up another older paper on squid movement. Even better, it's about squid nuptial dances and mating.…
Oh, sure…one moment it's all long throbbing organs pumping slickly in and out of orifices, and then the next thing you know, you've got a whole faceful of babies and little larvae giving you that evil demonic look. This is what happens after the squid orgies. While most squid seem to lay their…