
Profile picture for user pharyngula
Paul Z. Meyers

Posts by this author

June 16, 2009
Horrified mole from WND traumatized! That dancin'…it's Satan's work!
June 16, 2009
It's nothing personal, but we're getting a little worried about the economic competition you've been delivering lately, so we need to even the playing field a little. A couple of Christian evangelical real estate billionaires have created a Noah's Ark tourist attraction in Hong Kong. Pretty soon…
June 16, 2009
You've all heard of the Drake Equation, a little exercise in rough estimation which attempts to approximate the number of intelligent, technological species in our galaxy. Here it is, if you haven't: N=R* x fp x ne x fl x fi x fc x L R* is the average rate of star formation per year in our galaxy…
June 16, 2009
A majority (60%) of Australians think same-sex marriage is just fine. The story has an associated poll, though, and the results are tipped just a little bit the other way. What's wrong here? Fix it! Are you in favour of same-sex marriage in Australia? Yes 44% No 55% We might have some opposition…
June 16, 2009
Ah, poor Wisconsin…our neighboring state to the east, where the people are frail and frightened, and unable to cope with the rigors of reality. (That ought to get a few of them fired up, don't you think?) There is a little dustup going on in the town of West Bend, Wisconsin. The local bluenoses…
June 16, 2009
A short while ago, the blogosphere was irate over the outing of the identity of a pseudonymous blogger, Publius. The outing followed the usual pattern: pseudonymous blogger annoys right-winger who can't cope, right-winger lashes out by revealing the name behind the pseudonym (as if that somehow…
June 15, 2009
I think she's dropping a hint about paternal roles.
June 15, 2009
Read an online debate between Troy Newman, stooge from Operation Rescue, and Cristina Page, a legitimate advocate for reproductive rights, and then vote on who made the best case. Newman made the same hypocritical arguments the anti-abortionists always make, so I know where my vote went. But of…
June 15, 2009
I thought I knew of all the institutions of higher learning in my neighborhood, but I seem to have missed one: The University Of Metaphysical Sciences, located in the small town of Kandiyohi, Minnesota. I even know exactly where that is — it's just outside of Willmar, where my wife works every day…
June 15, 2009
The endless thread continues. Our creationist cretins in the old thread are still jabbering away, making progressively less sense as time goes by, and various sub-themes continue to branch from it, but I can't keep track of it all. Talk about whatever you want here. One subject I might suggest is…
June 15, 2009
When I was growing up, I had no introduction to evolutionary theory. Sure, I assumed it was true, and I went through the usual long phase of dinosaur fandom, but I was never taught anything at all about evolution throughout my grade school education, and what little I did know was largely stamp-…
June 15, 2009
This is going too far. As you probably know, Apple has run a long series of ads where they personify computers: the Mac is the young, cool, hip dude, while the PC is the stodgy old loser. It has been a very successful campaign, and various other companies have tried to copy it or defuse it. But…
June 15, 2009
How will we ever recover from this discovery of a profound inconsistency in evolutionary theory? I blame whoever gave Will Farrell his Ph.D. in Science.
June 14, 2009
I'm warning you. It's a disaster waiting to build: when the newspapers start reporting creationist versions of stories without questioning them, without providing explanations of the fallacies, and without even bringing in authoritative scientific voices to knock their claims down, all you do is…
June 14, 2009
In an awesome development, I have been chatting with Mr. Deity (which, by the way, makes me officially a prophet. I'm working on letting my beard grow long now), and he has offered to answer almost any questions you might have. What would you ask an omniscient, omnipotent being? Leave your…
June 14, 2009
Ray has always been good for hours of hilarity — he writes amazingly stupid stuff. But now Ray has competition: Eric Hovind has a blog! It's not quite as insane as Ray's, but it does have more evil and stupidity. For example, Eric likes a poem that he quotes — it's a crude racist ditty that, I'm…
June 13, 2009
Sunday morning at 9am Central time, Atheists Talk radio will feature Massimo Pigliucci, talking about atheism, philosophy, and politics. Those are three subjects that ought to get some arguments going!
June 13, 2009
Regular readers here may be familiar with WhoIsYourCreator, a creationist who blows through here and The Panda's Thumb now and then to dump a load of creationist cut-and-paste in the comments. WhoIsYourCreator is actually Julie Haberle, a deranged creationist whose chief accomplishment to date has…
June 13, 2009
This one is already going our way — and when you see the question, you'll understand why — but if you would like to give it a little boost, please do. Who makes for funnier comedians, atheists or believers? Atheists -- To fully appreciate the absurdity of life you have to accept the absurdity of a…
June 13, 2009
August Berkshire, prominent Minnesota atheist, recently awarded Minnesota Humanist of the Year by the Humanists of Minnesota, and long-time leader and organizer of the state's atheist community, is on tour right now through the southwest and midwest. I'm belatedly making his schedule available — he…
June 13, 2009
Some of you may have noticed that we got hit hard by a Turkish spammer last night: several hundred comments, mostly saying the same thing, all linking back to a farm of Turkish spam sites. It's extremely annoying, and I'm in the process of cleaning it all up. Normally that wouldn't take long at all…
June 13, 2009
Maybe. I see a bit more ahistorical melodrama in the trailer for Creation than I like…but it is a movie, after, even if it is about Charles Darwin. I like that it puts the idea that Darwin killed god front and center, but we'll have to see if it waffles to make an accommodating ending. The…
June 12, 2009
I got a very annoying announcement on our university listserv today. Among the usual community and campus events, it says: Please mark your calendars: Don Bierle, PhD in Biology, polar explorer, and former skeptic, shares FaithSearch Discovery at Morris Area High School Sunday, September 27, 6:30…
June 12, 2009
June 12, 2009
It wasn't that long ago that it was illegal in many states for black people to marry white people — this was the same kind of sentiment promoted by people who are defending marriage from gays nowadays, and I hope it will someday soon look as unbelievable as those old laws. Old laws? They were only…
June 12, 2009
A doctor in Nebraska, Dr. Leroy Carhart, has stepped forward and said he will train his staff to take over the important role lost when George Tiller was murdered. That's courage, and I applaud what he is doing. I hope more doctors take on this essential task. That's the good news. The bad news?…
June 12, 2009
You can tell when the anti-intellectuals are in charge: they start throwing away investments in knowledge that took generations to build, all in the name of short-term economy. The latest instance: the state of Wyoming wants to shut down the University of Wyoming Geological Museum. It's already…
June 12, 2009
Of course, as everyone knows, all flies are geneticists and evolutionists, which kind of deflates the joke.
June 12, 2009
Sepia pharaonis Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
June 12, 2009
Look here: Britain's National Health Service threw away £12 million on homeopathic treatments. It's a complete waste; millions were spent on teeny-tiny bottles of 'special' water that could have been had for pennies from the local water tap. But hah! America is #1! We spent $2.5 billion on remedies…