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Paul Z. Meyers

Posts by this author

June 2, 2009
Classy. My Prof Got Run Over By An iPod (Biology) from Mark Nauroth on Vimeo. The fundies are very concerned, because they have rightly noticed that when their kids go off to college, they come back better educated…which often means they become more liberal and reject traditional religious…
June 1, 2009
Frank Schaeffer, who with his father was one of the aggressive peddlers of anti-choice ideas, has commendably accepted part of the blame for the Tiller murder, admitting that he and his kind contributed to the atmosphere of hate. Unfortunately, he fails with this bit in the middle. Contributing to…
June 1, 2009
I admit, I was initially put off by the mere title of Nick Lane's new book, Life Ascending: The Ten Great Inventions of Evolution(amzn/b&n/abe/pwll). I'm one of those many biologists who is adamant about the absence of direction in evolutionary history, and ascending just sounds too much like…
June 1, 2009
I never thought I'd say this, but WND has a reasonable article on Kent Hovind's legal troubles. It just recites the facts of the case, although I suspect they somehow expect their readership to view it through their Jesus glasses and see it as an indictment of the government. Still, the illogic of…
June 1, 2009
Oh, look what came in the mail for me today! Kat Payne made this for me (thank you very much!), and I know, I'll be the envy of everyone in town as I stroll down the street with this stylish new look. Unfortunately, I think I'll have to wait until winter to wear it regularly — it's very, very warm…
June 1, 2009
I've been invited to the 68th Annual Conference of the American Humanist Association, along with Barbara Forrest and Neil deGrasse Tyson and a few other luminaries whose presence make me feel overweening, so we're flying off on Thursday. Now often on these trips, I try to make some time for some…
June 1, 2009
A few years ago, the creationist organization Answers in Genesis launched an ill-conceived ad campaign that featured kids with guns; the message was "If God doesn't matter to him, do you?". They were trying to hop onto the fear bandwagon, so popular among conservatives now, of trying to convince…
June 1, 2009
Look at this mess of a poll. And it's even associated with an article that plainly says, "Medical authorities have answered that question firmly in the negative" as the very first sentence! Do vaccines cause autism? Absolutely. They caused my child's autism. 13% Probably. I've seen evidence that…
June 1, 2009
For the full ambience, go to this link to hear a Tasmanian devil.
May 31, 2009
It's a silly poll, but seeing such one-sided numbers (one-sided in the wrong direction!) just irks me. Teach this person that you can't just smugly throw up a pointless poll on the internet and expect affirmation. Do You Believe in Jesus Christ? Yes 95% No 3% I Don't Know/Maybe 1%
May 31, 2009
Feministe has an excellent list of pro-choice charities. Want to do something to infuriate the women-hating anti-choicers and do something positive in honor of Tiller's work? Donate!
May 31, 2009
While we're all feeling a bit shocked at the horrible event in Kansas, we can all turn to the Reagan legacy. Mike Reagan is giving away free copies of a book, Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation, written by (or more likely, ghost-written for) his father, Ronald Reagan. The title is…
May 31, 2009
Dr George Tiller, a Kansas doctor who has long provided abortion services (including late-term abortions) was gunned down this morning. He has been the target of anti-choice fanatics for years: his clinic has been vandalized, he was shot and wounded by one of these monsters years ago, and there has…
May 31, 2009
I'm impressed. It's a highly critical article about Oprah's peddling of quackery, and it's about time one of the big media players pointed out that she is promoting dangerous fake therapies…all with a happy smile, of course, and a message of positive self-esteem for women. It's still credulous glop…
May 31, 2009
This comment thread, which has been going on since February — I close them when they climb up to around a thousand comments, open a fresh one, and then you guys fill it up again. I threatened to close it off permanently, but participants told me not to…and if I did, I'm sure it would just erupt…
May 31, 2009
Today at 9am Central time (short notice—you've got one hour to get to the internet! Oh, you're already there) the crew at Atheists Talk radio will be discussing the work of Bart Ehrman.
May 30, 2009
This is really low, and I'm already ashamed of myself…but I couldn't resist, either. Behold the cuteness. (via Chris Clarke)
May 30, 2009
You must listen to this ghastly interview with Bill Donohue on the Irish Catholic scandal. He is calmly taken apart by one of the victims of priestly rape — his views are characterized as "obscene". What a nasty little man.
May 30, 2009
I know it's a teaching cliche that there is no such thing as a stupid question…but it's not true. There really are stupid questions. So moms are everywhere in nature. Females often go to great lengths to feed, save, and protect their young. Many construct homes and shelters...(all without knowing/…
May 30, 2009
New Hampshire is working on legalizing gay marriage, and has a bill pending…unfortunately, it is being compromised. The new version, which is expected to come up for a vote Wednesday, adds a sentence specifying that all religious organizations, associations or societies have exclusive control over…
May 30, 2009
Let's hear it for those awesome diploblasts! Drifters of the deep from Eugenia Loli-Queru on Vimeo.
May 30, 2009
So you want to be a better person. You're in Chandler, Arizona, and you enter the Barnes & Noble bookstore there, and you head off to the Self Improvement section. What is prominently recommended? What did you expect, some tripe Oprah liked? (Thanks to Max & Felipe)
May 30, 2009
OK, who's the wise guy who gave one of our creationists a writing gig at The Onion?
May 30, 2009
You too can pinky swear to abide by secular principles. It looks mostly harmless, although the 7th principle isn't entirely right. 7. In all of my actions, and without threat of divine retribution, I will strive to respect the dignity of all people. I deal with too many creationists, and those…
May 30, 2009
Wow. Creationists can surprise you with a rare flash of imagination — like this argument that because you don't drool, god exists. Ok, I have an Evolution Challenge for you. Make your mouth produce a bunch of spit, let it dribble down your face and time how long it is before you simply have to wipe…
May 29, 2009
Go sign this petition to maintain the tools for sea exploration at Florida Atlantic University. They're trying to get a thousand signatures…we can do that in no time at all. The Johnson-Sea-Link I & II submersibles are owned and operated by Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI) at…
May 29, 2009
The more sophisticated creationists like to toss the name "Alvin Plantinga" into arguments — he's a well-regarded philosopher/theologian who favors Intelligent Design creationism, or more accurately, Christian creationism. I've read some of his work, but not much; it's very bizarre stuff, and every…
May 29, 2009
Ouch. It's like Bambi vs. Godzilla, where Luskin is the frolicking innocent baby deer and Thunderf00t is the giant rampaging reptile. Luskin tries to claim that ID is distinct from creationism, and he gets squashed.
May 29, 2009
Sepia bandensis Figure from Cephalopods: A World Guide (amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), by Mark Norman.
May 28, 2009
I have heard that he is absolutely furious about that Newsweek article on him — he's harrassing the editors and staff, is demanding that they print his full rebuttal, and is particularly upset that they would question his amazing powers of prognostication. He has put a letter online, in which he…