I'll be in Tempe, Arizona this weekend

I've been invited to the 68th Annual Conference of the American Humanist Association, along with Barbara Forrest and Neil deGrasse Tyson and a few other luminaries whose presence make me feel overweening, so we're flying off on Thursday. Now often on these trips, I try to make some time for some informal get together at some point, but this one has a very busy schedule, and I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to escape. About the only time it looks like I'll be able to get away, assuming the plane isn't late, is Thursday evening after we arrive.

So here's the deal: I'm planning to show up at an Irish pub near the hotel, Rúla Búla, around 8ish Thursday evening. This location was suggested by John Lynch (note new digs), of course, so who can turn down an Irish pub recommended by an Irishman? I'm also hoping to drag along the Trophy Wife and the Trophy Daughter, who is coincidentally working in an Arizona lab this summer, so if nobody else can show up, I'll at least have family and Guinness to keep me company.

Otherwise, maybe I'll see you at the meetings!


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