This is how.
This image was provided by Ted Kinsman for Photo Synthesis.
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Bad? That's clear clean water! A day in rice and that phone is as good as new.(Now if that's a solution of NaOH or HCL, well then, that's a different story.
You want bad, have that cell phone drop into a privvy on the Appalachian Trail. 10 feet down into a muck of poo, pee, and lime. Not that it ever happened to me, I leave the phone at home when I go into the woods. :^)
A perfectly good, almost new phone falling in annoyingly clear water. I think the day just got worse.
Forget NaOH or HCL- a really bad day is if if falls into the toilet - after one has done their business. It's more common that one may think.
Some telephones are water resist. Phone may be survive:)
There are a number of materials that do this including quartz, sugar and even ice. In this image I am hitting a wintergreen lifesaver candy fairly hard with a hammer. This is clearly visible to the human eye
You want bad, have that cell phone drop into a privvy on the Appalachian Trail. 10 feet down into a muck of poo, pee, and lime. Not that it ever happened to me, I leave the phone at home when I go into the woods. :^)
into a privvy on the Appalachian Trail. 10 feet down into a muck of poo, pee, and lime. Not that it ever happened to me, I leave the phone at home when I go into the woods. :^)
true! it is water proof mobile phone. it is forget to HCL more
common that may think.