Holy Water?


The human brain has an uncanny ability to see the human form in the most unlikely places. Religious icons in toast and faces in the clouds are but a few examples. Here it is droplets of water colliding with each other. I call the shot above "Man and Woman." This tendency to create order out of chaos never stops to amaze me. I will leave it to the reader to see what they can find in the image below.


These images were taken with a Cognisys Inc. water drip valve and microprocessor camera controller. The flash is from two off axis strobes with a duration of 1/60,000th of a second. More drops hitting drops in the next post.


This post was written by Ted Kinsman for Photo Synthesis

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Are they supposed to be the same image? Cos they are for me.

It looks like one of those "rabbit"-style vibrators.*

*For medical use only. Family blog, you know.

My bad. Pics should be different now!

I see a woman holding a child, as well, but the thing I think you see as an eye, I see as a flower or something in her hair. Her face is aimed towards the child.

And speaking of the death panel conspiracy theory, has anyone been checking out Arthur Goldwag's coverage of Sarah Palin's conspiratorial beliefs? How sad is it that we still have candidates for national office that believe things that fail the snopes.com test.

researching the bearded fireworm for a science project, and I was wondering: what do they eat, do they move in the same way that earthworms do, does the fireworm live completeley submerged in water or does it just live near water, how long does it live,

Very nice photos and speaking of the death panel conspiracy theory, has anyone been checking out Arthur Goldwag's coverage of Sarah Palin's conspiratorial beliefs? How sad is it that we still have candidates for national office that believe things that fail the snopes.com test thanks so much lol

Hi all;
A fatal flaw was that they failed to have any representative posts ready to go up when the blog went live.

Had they done so, and had the content been surprisingly acceptable, the reception might have been better.

Instead we get this "Hi! Welcome to ShillBlog!" (crickets) and everyone, quite reasonably, expects the worst.

researching the bearded fireworm for a science project, and I was wondering: what do they eat, do they move in the same way that earthworms do, does the fireworm live completeley submerged in water or does it just live near water, how long does it live,thanks...

And speaking of the death panel conspiracy theory, has anyone been checking out Arthur Goldwag's coverage of Sarah Palin's conspiratorial beliefs? How sad is it that we still have candidates for national office that believe things that fail the snopes.com test.

And speaking of the death panel conspiracy theory, has anyone been checking out Arthur Goldwag's coverage of Sarah Palin's conspiratorial beliefs?