A Dog's View

Surveying the queen's domain:

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As mentioned here before, dendrochronology has a problem with confidential data. European dendro labs tend to keep their data as in-house trade secrets in order to be able to charge for their services. This means that the labs function as black boxes: you pay a fee, stick a piece of wood into the…
Turns out that honey bees might not have the ideal socialist society after all. Researchers at Otago University in New Zealand have discovered that worker bees behave like drones because of a powerful, brainwashing pheromone released by the queen. The queen bee prevents aggressive behavior in the…
I just finished an afternoon lecture on evo-devo at Queen's University Belfast, which went well, I think. At least I didn't pass out at the lectern. Then I also did an interview with William Crawley that I think is going to be aired on the BBC on Sunday. I managed to remain conscious through all…
The Queen's got a point: (Hat tip, Jennifer Ouellette) I think this guy needs to notch it down a ways.

Don't eat that yellow snow!

By JohnQPublic (not verified) on 05 Aug 2008 #permalink

are you trying to destroy me with jealousy?

By exiled northwe… (not verified) on 05 Aug 2008 #permalink