QIP 2009 Registration Now Open

Registration for QIP 2009 is now open:


Santa Fe, New Mexico USA. January 12-16, 2009.

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN at http://qipworkshop.org/
Deadline for special conference hotel rates: December 1st.

Quantum Information Processing is the recasting of computer
science in a quantum mechanical framework. QIP 2009 is the twelfth
workshop on theoretical aspects of quantum computing, quantum
cryptography and quantum information theory in a series which
started in Aarhus in 1998. QIP 2009, like its previous editions,
will feature invited talks, contributed talks and a poster session.

While the deadline for paper submissions has passed, poster submissions are still open.

Submission deadline for posters: December 1, 2008.
Acceptance notification for posters: December 8, 2008.


Andrew Childs (IQC, Waterloo)
Avinatan Hassidim (Jerusalem)
Matt Hastings (Los Alamos)
Charles Marcus (Harvard)
Lluis Masanes (IPS, Barcelona)
Graeme Smith (IBM TJ Watson)


Dorit Aharonov (Hebrew University)
Cris Moore (UNM/SFI) (Chair)
John Preskill (Caltech)
Jaikumar Radhakrishnan (TIFR, Mumbai)
Renato Renner (ETH Zurich)
Peter Shor (MIT)
John Watrous (Waterloo)
Andreas Winter (Bristol)
Ronald de Wolf (CWI, Amsterdam).


Hans Briegel (University of Innsbruck)
Harry Buhrman (CWI, Amsterdam)
Wim van Dam (UCSB)
Daniel Gottesman (Perimeter Institute)
Aram Harrow (Bristol)
Patrick Hayden (McGill)
Richard Jozsa (Bristol) (Chair)
Julia Kempe (Tel Aviv)
Manny Knill (NIST)
Andrew Landahl (University of New Mexico)
Debbie Leung (IQC Waterloo)
Keiji Matsumoto (NII Tokyo)
Ben Reichardt (Waterloo)
Alex Russell (University of Connecticut)
Barbara Terhal (IBM)
Frank Verstraete (University of Vienna)


Howard Barnum (LANL)
Jim Harrington (LANL)
Andrew Landahl (University of New Mexico) (Chair)
Cris Moore (University of New Mexico / Santa Fe Institute)
Jon Yard (LANL)


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