Happy New Year!

Like the title says: Happy New Year!

Looking back at the list of top scited papers on scirate.com, shows some good fun indeed:

23 SciTes - 0811.3171
Title: Quantum algorithm for solving linear systems of equations
Authors: Aram W. Harrow, Avinatan Hassidim, Seth Lloyd

23 SciTes - 0809.3972
Title: A Counterexample to Additivity of Minimum Output Entropy
Authors: M. B. Hastings

19 SciTes - 0807.4935
Title: Quantum Communication With Zero-Capacity Channels
Authors: Graeme Smith, Jon Yard

18 SciTes - 0804.4050
Title: Matchgates and classical simulation of quantum circuits
Authors: Richard Jozsa, Akimasa Miyake

17 SciTes - 0806.1972
Title: Universal computation by quantum walk
Authors: Andrew M. Childs

17 SciTes - 0805.0007
Title: Superpolynomial speedups based on almost any quantum circuit
Authors: Sean Hallgren, Aram W. Harrow

16 SciTes - 0808.2474
Title: Making Almost Commuting Matrices Commute
Authors: M. B. Hastings

16 SciTes - 0804.3401
Title: Quantum Computational Complexity
Authors: John Watrous

16 SciTes - 0804.1109
Title: Classical and Quantum Algorithms for Exponential Congruences
Authors: Wim van Dam, Igor E. Shparlinski


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